347 Search Results for Alcohol and Drug Addictions Specifically

Alabama Lottery Proposal Analysis Term Paper

benefit analysis of the proposed state lottery for Alabama. Assessing the costs and benefits of this lottery is challenging. The costs are ill-defined, and often lumped in with other gambling costs in general. Yet, lotteries are not the same thing a Continue Reading...


, 1995). Some of laws and restrictions imposed by USA between 1960 and 1997 are as follows: 1) "Drug Abuse Control Amendments-- referred to amphetamines, barbiturates and LSD as dangerous drugs and allowed for FDA to recommend to Department of Heal Continue Reading...

Sexual Addiction Research Paper

Sexual addiction is a disorder that is characterized by repetitive and compulsive thoughts about sex and sexual acts. Like other types of addictions the behavior must have a negative impact on the person so that it leads to issues with the person's s Continue Reading...

Caffeine Addiction Someone Who Become Essay

There is also a specific technique involving this method that is specifically intended to relieve the withdrawal symptoms of addiction (Addicted to caffeine). In the final analysis, it was a combination of a healthy diet and a planned exercise prog Continue Reading...

Music Analysis on Drug Use Essay

Music Analysis The social problem that I am examining in music is drugs, which are a fairly frequent topic in many types of music, but they can be both glorified and vilified. This is an interesting subject specifically because of this dichotomy. So Continue Reading...

Sexual Addiction Results from an Term Paper

They need a supportive, stable person in their lives. If the child is abused, he or she is missing a key part of their development. They continue to grow up believing that they are alone. Not only is this feeling brought on by abuse but if a parent Continue Reading...

Proposal for Unmet Community Need Essay

Geagua County, OH Planning -- The most effective strategy within a community for any public health issue is two-fold: education and focus. To accomplish this at the community level, there needs to be a broad level of focus and support from all level Continue Reading...

Nurse Practitioner Abilities Research Paper

Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 certainly had noble intentions and safeguards. Indeed, there is a definitive reason why physicians are allowed a certain set of rights and responsibilities and why nurse practitioners are just a little further do Continue Reading...

Pattern of Heroine Use Term Paper

Heroin Drug addiction has been the scourge of our times. Heroin and cocaine especially are the leading cause of imprisonment in the civilized world. (Johnson, 1973) The anti-drug lobbies aver with statistics that show that marijuana users often fall Continue Reading...

Victimless Crime is a Term Research Paper

This includes actions that could be considered detrimental to the individual (gambling, drugs, etc.) -- because the decision was made at the individual level (Hardaway, 2003). Too, as the economic and political effects of globalization increase, th Continue Reading...

Understanding Psychology Essay

Psychology: Alcohol & Drug Abuse The over-all focus of this paper is to show how alcohol, drug addictions and abuse is fundamentally a disease of the brain. It will focus on various psychological aspects of addiction, such as some theories as t Continue Reading...

Abusing Opiates Thesis

Because numerous clinics decline to offer sleeping medication to the individual withdrawing from opiates, many addicts discharge themselves early from the treatment process (Carver). In regard to treatment, Carver notes: Detoxification technology i Continue Reading...

Dedicated Towards the Link Between Essay

Anderson et al. (2002) studies the effects of terminating the levels of addiction disability on the status of housing of persons who formerly recipients of addiction diability. They study how the various disruptions in the living situations play an Continue Reading...

Family and Community Support and Term Paper

...in the end 'the addict has to want to change' and if the addict does not want to change it does not matter what program..." that the addict is in. (National Institute of Justice, 2005) the National Institute of Justice reports that a woman "often Continue Reading...

Report Attempted Change Term Paper

Addiction recovery Theoretical models A brief overview of some prominent theoretical models relating to behavior modification is felt to be a pertinent starting point for his study, as many of these aspects can be compared to the actual interviews Continue Reading...

Ameliorating the Threat to at Dissertation

Drawing information from around the globe the report suggests a number of social welfare organizations and outreach programs in order to prevent younger children from beginning to abuse either drugs or alcohol and assisting those members of the popu Continue Reading...

Nation is One with Finite Research Paper

However, with this mandatory sentence comes seemingly excessive punishments for being afflicted with a real disease. These types of solutions to the drug problem in the United States fail entirely to grasp drug problems as a real medical issue and t Continue Reading...