320 Search Results for Child Abuse and Mass Media

Drinking with Younger Jews Dissertation

Parenting Style Influence on Excess Alcohol Intake Among Jewish Youth Ross Master of Science, Mental Health Counseling, College, January, 2008 Clinical Psychology Anticipated; December, 2016 The health hazards that are associated with adolescent Continue Reading...

Censorship in Music Term Paper

Censorship in Music Censorship Under the Guise of Protecting the Children Rock and Roll Culture Hip Hop Culture Is Censorship in Music Viable and Does it Make a Difference? There have been many attempts by society control music. Governmental sta Continue Reading...

Positron Emission Tomography Term Paper

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) PET represents a new step forward in the way scientists and doctors look at the brain and how it functions. An X-ray or a CT scan shows only structural details within the brain. The PET scanner gives us a picture o Continue Reading...

Domestic Violence -- How It Article Review

From a national fiscal point-of-view, after the Clinton's Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity reconciliation Act gave welfare control back to the states, there was a 60 per cent overall drop in welfare recipients, but critics point out tha Continue Reading...

Prevention of Genocide Humankind Has Thesis

Both Nazism and Communism have been proved of being highly ineffective and dangerous for humanity. Some of the reasons which made it easier for the genocide that took place during the Holocaust to occur were Hitler's clever schemes and the favorabl Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity Growing Essay

Childhood Obesity in Kentucky Childhood overweight and obesity has grown at an alarming rate over the last decade. Obesity is linked to media advertising, environmental, social and psychological, food labeling, and parental factors. Causes of childh Continue Reading...

Oprah Winfrey Show Oprah Winfrey Essay

376) Therefore, if we accept this view, the Oprah Winfrey Show has become a cultural phenomenon that assimilates and incorporates other areas of culture and society, such as the new age movement, and creates a focal point in the talk show for the ex Continue Reading...

Gender Equity in Education Term Paper

Gender Equity in Education Taking the Field: Women, Men and Sports (Michael a. Messner) Chapters One, Two, Three & Five Women and men are clearly different, in ways far beyond mere physical composition, as Men are from Mars, Women are from Ven Continue Reading...

Housing Discrimination Among Irish an Thesis

Differences in opinions between various study groups are expected to become apparent. These differences will help to determine the amount of bias present in opinions regarding housing discrimination among non-Irish nationals. Interpretation of these Continue Reading...

Pedophilia Term Paper

It will focus discovering the treatment option, or combination of options that results in the lowest incidence of recidivism for the longest period following the treatment. It is difficult to predict future events, therefore the research will take a Continue Reading...

College Males Tend to Objectify Term Paper

g., Emmers-Sommer et al., 2005). BIOLOGICAL BASES Several studies support the contention that catecholamines create more violent and less sensitive reactions to the opposite sex, acting like hormones or neurotransmitters in the system; common catec Continue Reading...

Dangers of Advertising Alcohol Term Paper

Dangers of Alcohol Advertising A growing body of literature shows that alcohol advertising is an important factor related to alcohol consumption among youth. Research has now established that alcohol advertisements target youth, result in increased Continue Reading...