451 Search Results for Criminal Justice Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Court Philosophy The Office Essay

They must also determine what types of delinquent behavior and youth violence are causing the greatest concern in the community. (Medaris, 1996, para.# 5) As can be seen from the above statement of the first step in implementing the SHOCAP program Continue Reading...

Juvenile Behavior Literature Review

Criminal behavior and recidivism has been a very contentious issue over the last decade. Research continues to garner massive support related to methods to better help offenders matriculate into society. Juvenile behavior is one of the more pressing Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice How to Prevent Term Paper

There are also theories on protective factors such as social control theory, which suggests that, absent social control force coming from the individual's bonds to community members (family, peers, school), youth will commit delinquent behavior natu Continue Reading...

Juvenile Crime United States is on the Essay

Juvenile Crime United States is on the top of western countries experiencing crime activities. Though, till the past decade the rate of crimes has fallen down but still U.S. has the highest rate. Whether they are adults or juveniles, the rate of com Continue Reading...

Juvenile Crime The Effects of Thesis

Conclusion There are many factors that increase the prevalence of juvenile crime and juvenile violence. Ethnic diversity is also much greater in urban areas, and the correlation between juvenile violent crimes and such diversity can be attributed Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice In the Beginning Essay

The state was not as the enemy but as a protector, as the ultimate guardian. There was a feeling that parents were either unwilling or unable to guide children towards good citizenship and thus intervention of public authorities was necessary (Mack, Continue Reading...

Juvenile Drug Abusers Term Paper

e. school, religious activities, sports, family involvement)." ("Juvenile detention," 2005, p. 11-12). These negative affects of increased usage not only directly affect juvenile drug abusers with increased occurrence of detention, but also make less Continue Reading...

Juveniles & Justice Is It Term Paper

, 1914, p. 500). Meanwhile when the state asserts control over the child due to his non-criminal behavior that governmental intervention supports parens patriae, Siegel maintains. (Parens patriae in Latin means "substitute parent"; its been the cour Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice Discuss the Case Thesis

What treatment strategies appear to be promising in meeting the varied needs of youth with addictions, mental health issues or a history of abuse? Compare and contrast treatment programs developed for these groups of offenders. Identify the role of Continue Reading...

Criminals -- Born or Made Since the Essay

Criminals -- Born or Made Since the construction of the first civil society, behavioral rules distinguishing what is acceptable and what is criminal have existed. Even though individuals typically have a concept of conventional moral behavior, crimi Continue Reading...

Juvenile System Vs. Adult Justice Term Paper

The actual court proceedings in a juvenile court consist of the arrest procedure, search and seizure, and custodial interrogation (Calderon 2006). The concept has been that the delinquent is a child rather than a criminal. Hence, rehabilitation rat Continue Reading...

Juveniles As Adults When a Research Paper

However, the prosecutor is not the only person who can seek a transfer. Juvenile court judges can also begin transfer proceedings (Michon, 2012). Furthermore, in some states there are automatic transfer laws, which require that juveniles over a cert Continue Reading...

Justice Mean to Me? What Term Paper

If the convicted criminal feels that his sentencing was not just and fair, he can 'appeal', and his case would be tried again, if necessary. (Justice and Prisons, how justice works) It must be remembered that in general, when a crime is committed, Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice System Term Paper

juvenile justice system in America. The writer discusses the start of the system and the major changes that have taken place in the system over the past 100 years. There were four sources used to complete this paper. Following events such as Columb Continue Reading...

Juvenile Offender in Hong Kong Term Paper

Crime Juvenile Offender in Hong Kong Juvenile Offenders Juvenile Offender in Hong Kong The increase in juvenile delinquency has become a world-wide phenomenon, especially in many developed countries. This trend is also evident in cities like Hong Continue Reading...