999 Search Results for Mental Health and Therapy

Intake Information Mental Health

Case information and intake information Presenting Problem: The patient is a Caucasian female that is 29 years old. She presented the symptoms and signs of a mental health condition. Apart from having sleepless nights, she stated that she often felt Continue Reading...

Health Promotion Term Paper

Health Promotion The absence of illness does not thoroughly explain "Health", it can as well be described as wellness of the body and mind. More technically, health can be defined from two perspectives -- bodily and psychological health. A state of Continue Reading...

Health Related Websites Essay

Healthcare Websites Soda Consumption and its link to obesity in California The soda sugary drink consumption has increased tenfold along with its availability. California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) confirms that the overall exposure Continue Reading...

Mental Illness is a Highly Term Paper

Edwards challenges the extreme on the other end as well, i.e. that total wellness sis the only possible state of being labeled healthy. The scholar sites the World Health Organization's definition of wellness as complete mental and physical wellness Continue Reading...

Health Topic With a Sociological Term Paper

Does Socio-economic Status Impact lives of People with HIV and AIDS? Individuals with a lower socio-economic status are more prone to contracting HIV and AIDS virus. This measure also determines how individual status, relates to proper medical car Continue Reading...

Mental Health Medication Essay

Introduction Patient displays symptoms of acute schizophrenia that requires use of anxiolytics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics, specifically neuroleptics. Use of two or more neuroleptics in combination with the other medication Continue Reading...

Mental Disorder and Suicide Research Paper

Mental Disorder Suicide- Mental Disorder Beginning with a historical analysis of suicide, the psychopathology of suicide is analyzed. Empirical findings are also presented to address probable causes of suicide. This paper addresses the psychopathol Continue Reading...

Therapy and Adolescents Who Are Thesis

In order to assure that the FACE interventions were to be successful, before launching the intervention a panel of local and national leaders was assembled to review the strategy in 2006. The panel, which included psychologists, religious leaders, Continue Reading...

Health Promotion Term Paper

Health Promotion: American HIV Prevention in an Era of False Security - an Investigative Study AIDS is one of the most dangerous diseases to affect humankind. AIDS awareness is best-funded and best-taught in the United States of America. This reali Continue Reading...

Art Therapy Research Paper

Art therapy entails creative procedures that work well with provision of a safe environment, and trust, which allows patients with psychotic disorders to express desirable emotions. Creative procedures promote awareness, expression as well as enhance Continue Reading...

Healthcare-System-and-Healthcare Essay

Health Care System Healthcare Professionals Health care providers must be properly integrated at every system level and must be allowed to lead the processes of designing, implementing and operating ideal health systems. Research works identify a Continue Reading...

Health Promotion Term Paper

Nursing Exercise The health promotion model was initially created by Nola J. Pender and her concept was to be a matching complement to other models of health protection. The model helps define ways to increase health through living in a complete he Continue Reading...

Mental Illness Treatment Research Paper

Health and Well-Being of a Chosen Group: Diagnosed mental disorders Barriers Barriers to assistance for diagnosed mental disorders exist on the individual, community, and social level. On an individual level, people are often reluctant to admit t Continue Reading...

Health Human Services Case Study

Jimmy and his family have multiple unmet needs, which can be meaningfully assessed and addressed through mental health services. Focusing on Jimmy, it would be crucial to first work with a team of psychologists that could offer tests to determine whe Continue Reading...