1000 Search Results for Mind and Human Behavior Theories

Armed Robbery and Criminal Behavior Thesis

(2009). An Assessment of Scales Measuring Constructs in Tests of Criminological Theory Based on National Youth Survey Data. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 46(1), 73-105. Blatt, Sidney J., & Auerbach, John S. (2000). Psychoanalyt Continue Reading...

Ethical Behavior in Organizations Term Paper

Ethical Behavior Theory in Organizations This analytical research report discusses the debatable issue of the much-needed ethical behavior in working milieu. The research paper highlights the fundamental characteristics, a well-drafted research desi Continue Reading...

Impact Social Learning Theory Research Paper

Theoretical Analysis: Julian Rotter Social Learning Theory Including Locust ControlBackground: Historical OverviewJulian Rotter was born in 1916 in Brooklyn, New York as the third son of Jewish immigrant parents (Walker, 1991). Rotters father had a s Continue Reading...

Motivation Theories Term Paper

RELEVANCE OF MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Contemporary Relevance of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs has represented a theoretical touchstone within the field of organizational management for decad Continue Reading...

Boudon 2001: Theories of Social Thesis

For example, Tocqueville was able to explain 18th century European aristocrat behavior by looking at social consequences. Like Tocqueville, Marx believed that they could explain individual actions by looking at subconscious class interests. Frey has Continue Reading...

Carl Jung The Theory of Term Paper

He states, No one with the faintest glimmering of mythology could possibly fail to see the startling parallels between the unconscious fantasies brought to light by the psychoanalytic school and mythological ideas." (Jung, par 316). The Theory of Continue Reading...

Impact Social Learning Theory Term Paper

Julian Rotter, Social learning theoryBackgroundHistorical OverviewJulian Rotter was born in 1916 in Brooklyn, New York as the third son of Jewish immigrant parents (Walker, 1991). Rotters father had a successful business that was negatively impacted Continue Reading...

Cultural Theories Essay

Cross Cultural Psychology Cultural Theories Comparing cross-cultural approaches to psychology: An ecocultural vs. An integrated approach The need to take into account different cultural perspectives when treating patients has become increasingly Continue Reading...

Personal Theory As a Therapist, Term Paper

From the basis of psychoanalysis and existential therapy, I will then listen for any problems relating to attitudes that can be driven by repressed emotions. I will use dialogue in order to gain an understanding of how the clients see their problems Continue Reading...

Cognitive Theory Cognition is the Term Paper

It thus becomes the concern of CBT researchers and clinicians to address and investigate sex differences as an aspect in depression and to confront how they understand and treat women, who comprise 2/3 of clients. A feminist framework may be adopted Continue Reading...

Object Relations Theory Term Paper

Object Relations Theory What exactly is 'Object Relations Theory'? What does it deal with? What is it about? The Theory as such is based on the belief and conviction that every single person has within themselves a completely world of relations and Continue Reading...

Leininger's Transcultural Theory Essay

Nursing Theory Madeleine Leininger's Theory of Cultural Care: Background. Leininger's Theory of Cultural Care began during the 1950s, when she developed a fascination with anthropology. While she was studying at the University of Cincinnati, she di Continue Reading...

Psychology Theories and Models of Essay

There's an understood supposition of opposing causal agency at work. No matter what pressures and factors came to bear, the addict could have done something else, but simply decided not to (Choice and Free Will: Beyond the Disease Model of Addiction Continue Reading...

Culture in Human Relations In Term Paper

At the antipode of the model earlier described, he mentioned individualist cultures that gave top priority to personal goals and duties and enjoyed a high degree of independence (Zhou, 2002). Moreover, the theorist asserted that the cleavage betwee Continue Reading...

Comparison of Theories Essay

Theories It is difficult to summarize psychodynamic theory without a brief discussion of Freud. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, the father of psychodynamic theory, and in effect the father of modern psychotherapy. Freud's notions ret Continue Reading...

Learning Theories Research Paper

Abstract Theories of learning are critical for informing pedagogical practice and promoting a deeper understanding of human behavior and mental processes. Behaviorism offers corresponding theories of learning that focus mainly on observable and measu Continue Reading...