999 Search Results for Presidential Election and the State of the

United States of America Consists Essay

Parties that may have been overlooked due to lack of advertising, can now demonstrate to millions of people at a time what their party beliefs are, which at times can be radically different from the two main parties. The third party proposal has be Continue Reading...

Big Data Source for 2014 Election Essay

Open Data Source for Election 2014 Open data are the data that can be freely redistributed and used by anyone for personal or research purpose. One of the examples of open data is a government data that contain tremendous resources. Moreover, the op Continue Reading...

United States Political Government Essay

Political Government Congressional Ethics Due to the level of trust the general public has on them, members of Congress ought to ensure that they conduct themselves in a manner that does not betray this level of trust. In the past, many members of Co Continue Reading...

Constitution Government Essay

GOVERNMENT Government: US ConstitutionState laws cannot conflict with the Constitution, which is a constraint for state laws. It is so because if the conflict occurs, federal law shifts the state law under the Supremacy clause of the Constitution (Co Continue Reading...

U.S. Foreign Policy US Middle Thesis

The international community can obviously respond by seeking to marginalize the Taliban and similar movements as extremists. However, it has become clear following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that western governm Continue Reading...

U.S. Government The United States Term Paper

This as an important moment in the history of the Cold War because it marked the start of a new series of talks between the Palestinians and the Israeli side. This moment also proved the importance of the State Secretary in relation to the issues of Continue Reading...

Us and the Amerenian Genocide Essay

Barak Obama recognize the Armenian Genocide? The killing of more than 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 by the erstwhile Ottoman Empire rulers in Turkey is one of the biggest mass murders in human history as recognized by many countries. The Turkish ru Continue Reading...

2nd Amendment to US Constitution Essay

2nd Amendment to U.S. Constitution Laws regarding the use and safety of weapons in the United States date back to 1837, when Georgia's ban on handguns was ruled unconstitutional. Subsequent legislation has been scrutinized by courts -- including th Continue Reading...

History of US Space Program Term Paper

Space Program When the Soviets successfully launched Sputnik I, the first ever artificial satellite, in orbit on October 4, 1957, the event took the Americans and the entire western world by surprise. Sputnik I was just a 2-foot sphere with nothing Continue Reading...

Presidential Power Essay

Presidential Power While the scope of modern presidential power far exceeds the very limited but potent powers that the President is given in Article II of the Constitution, it does not appear that those powers have increased dramatically over the Continue Reading...

Reform in Egypt and the Research Paper

At the time of this report on October 27, 2010, the Brotherhood spoke out against boycotting the upcoming election, but projected a rather optimistic attitude towards resolving the conflict that confronted them. Still, in light of this optimistic at Continue Reading...

Third Parties Term Paper

Third Parties The founding fathers of the United States were initially opposed to the formation of political parties considering them as "quarreling factions" that would hinder the public from freely judging issues on merit. The complex structure of Continue Reading...

US History and Politics Term Paper

Conservative American Presidents The purpose of this paper is to introduce and discuss the return to conservatism in the American presidency after the 1980s. It will compare the similarities to earlier periods in the 19th and 20th century, and discu Continue Reading...

Major Turning Point in US History Essay

Assassination of JFK Why is your chosen turning point actually a turning point and not just another event? One of the most commonly analyzed and a questionable event in the history of the U.S., the assassination of JFK was a real turning point. The Continue Reading...

Voter Turnout Term Paper

Elections Role of Diminishing Marginal Return on Voter Turnout This paper looks at the effects of diminishing marginal returns on voter turnout by comparing voter turnout in various countries. The paper will look at countries with both high and low Continue Reading...