999 Search Results for Faculty Development Program

Ethical Changes in the Classroom Term Paper

The Vietnam War was a turning point in the Army's growing realization that senior military leaders, and not just political leaders, had a responsibility to be able to speak to soldiers, to the American people, and to the press about ethical issues. Continue Reading...

Tenure Changing Attitudes Toward and Thesis

In taking the approach that improvement in these areas can be achieved by establishing some form of post-tenure review, institutions are sending the signal that the blame for school-wide failures falls upon the teachers. A failure on the part of the Continue Reading...

Designing a Speech Course for Term Paper

Variations are to ask each student to write their own sheet or to have small groups do so. (22) Value Lines: Students line up according to how strongly they agree or disagree with a proposition or how strongly they value something. This gives a visu Continue Reading...

Egypt is Going to Take Dissertation

The source of the current crisis can be traced to 1998 when an initial agreement was reached on a plan of action and policy guidelines to establish the Nile Basin Initiative at the 2nd Nile Technical Advisory Committee meeting held in Arusha. A few Continue Reading...

School Improvement One of the Case Study

More so, they will be able to apply the skills they learned in the classroom into the real-world environment of the community, which will only increase their understanding of the classroom objectives and lessons. Finally, by having students become i Continue Reading...

Primary Education Term Paper

Managing the Transition of Starting Primary School in England - Policies and Practices BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Education for the English child is compulsory from the age of five through the age of sixteen. This compulsory primary education consists of Continue Reading...

Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Thesis

Microsoft has provided legacy API support in the latest WinHEC-delivered kit of the Microsoft Windows Vista Developer's SDK to ensure upward and backward compatibility. Having a more streamlined kernel is also going to give the user interface greate Continue Reading...

Technology in Ways That Make Thesis

Students can collaborate with students in other schools and other countries as they develop ideas, skills, and products. Students in a class can collaborate outside class without having to meet in person. The theory behind collaborative learning is Continue Reading...

Attributes of the Ideal Leader Thesis

). Concomitantly, many higher educational institutions may lack the resources needed because of the aforementioned dwindling state budgets and overall shaky national economy, as well as skyrocketing costs of administration. Not surprisingly, these t Continue Reading...

Community Colleges in a Perfect Term Paper

Also, many are unprepared to complete tasks unique to community college such as teaching diverse students. Those faculty members in rural areas not only have to deal with those challenges, but also sometimes have difficulty adjusting to living and w Continue Reading...