397 Search Results for Healthcare Advocacy Team

NHS Change: Analysis of Nurse-Led Case Study

The variability in problems faced by the King Edward Hospital NHS Trust during the period in question, instigated a multi-level response in knowledge sharing and inclusion on practice. Kotter's theory relies upon such a method, where strategies are Continue Reading...

Meaningful Use Term Paper

electronic system in the health care system, new ideas and approaches are introduced. Electronic health records are helpful if they are meaningfully used. The concept of meaningful use is explained by many healthcare authorities. The Medicare and Me Continue Reading...

Clinical Experience Term Paper

Clinical Experience Sunrise Clinical System Version 6.1 The Emergency Room: Hybrid System Meetings and Collaborative Care Councils Workflow of the EMR The KBC ( Knowledge Bas Charting) 3.4 Upgrade 6 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist Compreh Continue Reading...

Renal Failure Term Paper

These clinics will have to be set up over a number of years as funding becomes available for each. It is envisioned that the combination of clinics and learning programs will help the community to achieve better overall health. Indeed, clinics that Continue Reading...

Diabetes Metrics Matter Term Paper

Evaluation of Diabetes Care Metrics at Mercy Medical Center in Accordance with Health Care Laws and PoliciesIntroductionThe purpose of this report is to evaluate the performance of Mercy Medical Center in the context of diabetes care, with a specific Continue Reading...

Cancer Screening Programs Term Paper

Promoting Positive Health Behaviors Evaluating the Every Woman Matters program and other cancer screening programs Cancer rates continue to escalate in the U.S.: cancers of the breast, cervical, prostate, and colon are on the rise and despite impro Continue Reading...

Nurses As Patient Advocates Most Term Paper

"[4] (Bernall, 1992, p. 19) Though historically this role could have strained the nurses professional relationships with other health care professionals, and especially doctors the modern medical industry has afforded a new way of understanding the Continue Reading...

Nursing Research The Objective of Term Paper

Clinical narratives are used for the articulation and sharing of knowledge and experience which has been acquired over time and through experiential learning and is a way of enabling nurses to "tap into the thought processes and best practices of ex Continue Reading...

Nursing Shortage is a Problem in Many Essay

Nursing shortage is a problem in many countries. It is often difficult to get trained nurses. While nurses are an integral part of the health care system, a shortage of trained nurses leaves an impact on the health care system. Due to the shortage o Continue Reading...

Nursing Nurse Case Management The Thesis

This is done for the purpose of having a safe and workable discharge plan. The nurse uses their experience and assessment skills reviewing the patient's current course, past medical history and what family or friend support there is outside the hosp Continue Reading...

Rights of Patients Patients' Rights Essay

" (South Australia, p. 8) This demonstrates the balance which is necessary in protecting the rights of the patient and simultaneously ensuring that physicians have the freedom necessary to perform to the best of their abilities. In a respect, this Continue Reading...

Patient - Centered Nursing Techniques

Inter and Intraprofessional Communication Patient-centered practice is designed to address issues that usually appear as a consequence of nurses having a limited understanding of their role and as a result of patients not being provided with the opp Continue Reading...

Prevention of Obesity Essay

Obesity in Los Angeles County The United States, while being one of the most technologically developed countries in the world, is not a healthy nation. Typically, when we think of disease pandemics we think of things like Swine Flu, Ebola, Lyme dise Continue Reading...

Asian Americans Type 2 Diabetes Essay

Epidemiology Paper Part Three: Implementation and Evaluation - Asian Americans with type 2 diabetes 1. Identify a public health theory you will use to support the implementation of your prevention and health promotion activities. Provide evidence tha Continue Reading...


Leadership is a challenge for all leaders across different realms and being a nursing leader is not an exemption. This is particularly taking into consideration the circumstances and issues distinctive to the medical and healthcare profession. As a n Continue Reading...

Intervening to Prevent Diabetes Term Paper

Introduction Following a review of the health of Riverside County, it was found that the mainly African American population was suffering from high rates of diabetes. The Community Action Partnerships for Health Organization (CAPHO) was contacted to Continue Reading...