999 Search Results for WWII History Making Decades WWII Present

Political Science History Term Paper

conservative intellectual movement, but also the role of William Buckley and William Rusher in the blossoming of the youth conservative movement Talk about structure of paper, who not strictly chronologically placed (ie hayek before the rest) - in Continue Reading...

How the Past Shapes the Present Essay

Worth Remembering The past is not something that stays in the past. It reaches out and extends forward into the present; it shapes and instructs us, warns and interests us. Sometimes we return to it in order to judge it anew or attempt to reconstru Continue Reading...

Economic History -- Japan & Term Paper

The government made several key policy changes to provide selected firms a strong start. Two crucial policies during this period are the import-substitution industrialization (ISI) and export promotion (EP). ISI allowed government selected firms in Continue Reading...

Mennonites When the New World Term Paper

It did not permit them to provide medical or humanitarian aid to the enemy side, which was common in other wars. More than 2,000 Mennonites were drafted, and, for the first time, spent time in military camps. Another 600 to 800 left the United State Continue Reading...

Australian Social History Term Paper

Aboriginal Activism in Australia The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were the centuries of new exploration; the scientific discoveries had allowed Europeans to build better ships and navigation system and to explore the new worlds. The French, Continue Reading...

Military War Term Paper

growth and development of the United States military from its origination to its present status in the 21st century. It will specifically examine the fostering of both the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force. Moreover, these two branches -- which will Continue Reading...

What If History Was Different Essay

Battle of Waterloo was the concluding and pivotal action of the Napoleonic Wars that successfully put an end to the French control of the European landmass and brought about extreme changes in the political frontiers and control of Europe. Taken plac Continue Reading...

Iraq War HUMINT Case Study

Why the Intelligence Community Ineffectively Uses HUMINT “To address the challenges facing the U.S. intelligence community in the 21st century, congressional and executive branch initiatives have sought to improve coordination among the differe Continue Reading...

Rhetoric in Great Speeches Essay

Rhetoric in Great Speeches Cultural / Ideological Analysis Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) is credited by objective scholars and historians as having brought the United States out of the Great Depression, and as having guided the United States thro Continue Reading...

Cuba After Castro Cuba is Term Paper

Those officials who did look at the question of Japanese intentions decided that Japan would never attack, because to do so would be irrational. Yet what might seem irrational to one country may seem perfectly logical to another country that has dif Continue Reading...

Nationalism We Live in a Thesis

They offer a very insightful and at the same time entertaining view on nations and nationalisms as each of them tend to argue a different point-of-view. Ernest Gellner is considered to be a theorist of the modern comprehension of the idea of nation Continue Reading...

Genocide is Considered on an Term Paper

The challenge on traditional culture that is resulted from both external cultural and political influences, as well as internal changes is extremely strong and this is the core of Islamic fundamentalism. Fundamentalism arises as a backlash towards t Continue Reading...

Middle East Region There is Term Paper

The parallels are of Sheikh Mohammad are drawn with King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia who used oil to build the foundation of modern Saudi Arabia. He can also be considered a CEO who is managing his emirate like a big company using the modern manageme Continue Reading...

Flavius Joephus Much of the Term Paper

And he gained a following both among many Jews and among many of Greek origin. He was the Messiah. And when Pilate, because of an accusation made by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, those who had loved him previously did not cea Continue Reading...

Culture of Poland The Country Term Paper

Changes in smoking and in the consumption of fruits and vegetables probably played a minor role in this decrease." (Disease Priorities in Developing Countries, nd) This information is shown in the following chart labeled Figure 1. Source: Willet et Continue Reading...