195 Search Results for Nursing Annotated Bibliography Nursing Annotated Bibliography Annotated

Gastric Bypass Term Paper

Gastric Bypass Multiple reports that more and more adults and even children have become morbidly obese in the United States have led to searches for effective interventions. One of the interventions beginning to receive widespread use is gastric byp Continue Reading...

Symbolism Found Research Paper

O'Connor "Everything That Rises Must Converge": An Analysis of What the Critics Say Flannery O'Connor's "Everything That Rises Must Converge" is a short story filled with symbols of emptiness and darkness. Paul Elie observes that "the symbolism is Continue Reading...

Value of Immigrants in the Term Paper

Further the illegal aliens in the country are more than one quarter of the country's population. The controversy is mostly on illegal immigration, with over 11 million illegal residents in the U.S. Over 7 million legal migrants are recruited into im Continue Reading...

Mercury in Seafood Are High Term Paper

The Food and Drug Administration has published recommendations that warn pregnant women, nursing mothers, women who might become pregnant, and children not to ear swordfish, shark, tilefish, and king mackerel due to high methylmercury content. They Continue Reading...

Evidence-Based Practice Faith MS, Van Essay

The study involved giving adolescents a questionnaire to determine if they perceived their weight and appearance with accuracy; most females overestimated their weight and most males underestimated their weights. However, this was just 35% of the pa Continue Reading...

Factors for Keeping Employees Essay

Readmission of Hispanic Populations for CHF Abstract Background: The specific phenomenon examined within this paper is the readmission of Hispanic patients for congestive heart failure (CHF). Hispanic patients are representative of myriads of underse Continue Reading...

Elder Abuse Essay

Victimology and the Problem of Elder Abuse Part 1 Introduction Just as criminology is the study of crime and the criminal’s role in crime, victimology is the study of victimization and how victims are impacted by crime and how they in turn also Continue Reading...

Family Place Religion Taught Research Paper

Family DiscipleshipIntroductionFamily discipleship is part of the divine command. It is essential in the formation of children. But how can it be achieved? The thesis of this paper is that parents enhance Christian family discipleship by implementing Continue Reading...

Death Penalty in Canada Essay

Should Canada reinstate the death penalty for planned and premeditated murder What is your position and why Why are people punished for their crimes? What is the driving idea behind punitive sentencing in criminal justice? Is life behind bars somehow Continue Reading...

American Friends Peace Movement Essay

Introduction The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the co-beneficiary of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947, was established in Philadelphia by individuals from the Religious Society of Friends (i.e., the Quakers) in Spring 1917. The link between Continue Reading...

Chronic-Disease-and-Women Research Paper

Culture among Immigrant Women from Sub-Saharan Africa Diagnosed with Chronic Diseases, Living in Grande Prairie, Alberta The concept culture is defined as learned beliefs revealing the method people interact with their physical and social environme Continue Reading...

Child-Abuse-and-Abuse Research Paper

Child abuse and neglect is a highly discussed issue in the present day. For a long time now, the detrimental impacts of child abuse and neglect have been acknowledged. There are significant implications from child abuse and neglect in the United Stat Continue Reading...

Dental Amalgam Research Paper

Dental Amalgam The use of amalgam for dental fillings is nothing new. However, the use is also relatively controversial in some circles. While there are many companies and organizations that discuss the safety of amalgam fillings, there are many mor Continue Reading...