600 Search Results for American Politics for the Presidential Party to

American Politics Term Paper

American Politics Introduction to Kevin Phillips Kevin Phillips is a well-known, controversial yet respected writer and political analyst, who writes about the political and social world of contemporary America with a sense of literary style and an Continue Reading...

Democratic Theory in American Politics Essay

Democracy and Economic Inequality in America The fundamental aim of democracy in political governance is to ensure elected officials represent the interests of their constituents in the legislature. This means that the votes taken by members of Cong Continue Reading...

American Politics Term Paper

American citizenry is somewhat in the position of the unfortunate citizens of some third-world countries who try to stay out of the cross-fire while Maoist guerrillas and right-wing death squads shoot at each other. Reports of a culture war are most Continue Reading...

American History Since 1877 Until Term Paper

Based on Thumim's work, it is possible to suggest that the reason John Fitzgerald Kennedy won the White House had little to do with his wealth, his brains, the party's backing, his WWII heroism or even his obviously intelligent wife. In view of Thum Continue Reading...

American Political Behavior Essay

American Political Behavior Mid-Term and Discussion Chapter and Blog Module 4/Discussion 1 -- Participation of Young Voters Young voter participation has been lagging behind other age groups, which has been a major concern. It is a concern because Continue Reading...

Birth of Modern Politics by Book Review

She believes that the leadership, order, and willingness to follow someone else that make military campaigns successful are also what make political campaigns successful, though she acknowledges that, at least for the individuals involved, the direc Continue Reading...

Race and Politics in 2008 Thesis

Obama famously referred to his white grandmother during the campaign who tragically passed away the night before he was elected, as a woman of tolerance, yet who still was subject to the prejudices of society enough to feel uncomfortable when she sa Continue Reading...

American Political Parties There is Thesis

However, class-based differences in party identification remained prominent and actually grew stronger in the 1970s and 1980s, with upper-class and middle-class individuals identifying more strongly with the Republican Party" (309). Likewise, Pomera Continue Reading...

1884 Presidential Election Term Paper

American politics have always been a hotbed of debate. Just how far politicians are willing to go in the quest to win has revolved around the type of campaign that the participants have taken part in. If the campaign is "clean" the opponents stick to Continue Reading...

US Presidential Elections Term Paper

Presidential Elections Because of the extreme conditions of the 1930s depression, the New Deal under Franklin Roosevelt went further in expanding the powers of the federal government than any previous administration in history, certainly far beyond Continue Reading...

Presidential Studies The Transfer of Thesis

S. interests in that part of the world. Then, on January 17, 1991, the U.S. launched the first attack, with more than 4,000 bombing runs. After 100 hours, Bush called off the offensive, saying he wanted to minimize U.S. casualties. Though Bush was c Continue Reading...

American Presidency Term Paper

American Presidency How Presidents can influence the policymaking process to suit their needs constitution has created the executive branch and the executive power vested in the hands of the president. In fact, the president cannot act in isolation Continue Reading...

American Political Parties Term Paper

American Political Parties The Political Impact of Media Bias From 1962 to his retirement in 1981, Walter Cronkite led America through such pivotal events as the Kennedy assassination, the moon landing, the Vietnam War, and the Watergate scandal as Continue Reading...

American Government The Five Main Essay

It separates the various forms of government and does not allow one to become more powerful than another, and it ensures that laws are created fairly, that justice is fair, and that the President does not gain too much power. Essentially, it is the Continue Reading...