110 Search Results for Augustine's Salvation

Augustine's Salvation Essay

AUGUSTINE'S STRUGGLE FOR SALVATION Augustine: Confessions Augustine's Struggle for Salvation The eighth book of Augustine's Confessions represents the internal dialog of a man in search of spiritual and religious enlightenment in the form of a ver Continue Reading...

Augustine is Considered As the Term Paper

" When these words of mine were repeated in Pelagius' presence at Rome by a certain brother of mine (an Episcopal colleague), he could not bear them and contradicted him so excitedly that they nearly came to a quarrel. Now what, indeed, does God comm Continue Reading...

Salvation As the Path Towards Term Paper

However, when referring to what is God's will and what behavior and actions are considered pleasing to God's eyes, St. Augustine did not specifically enumerate or identify these. Consistent in his arguments, however, is to live life in accordance t Continue Reading...

Augustine of Hippo Brown, Peter. Term Paper

Monica was honored for her forbearance in marriage to an undisciplined, often cruel pagan man. Augustine's father suffers by comparison to Augustine's mother, but rather than suggest that she should have left his father because of his mistreatment, Continue Reading...

Augustine and Aquinas: The Influence Essay

Thus while he does allow for some Aristotelian influence of the value of sensory experience so he does not fall back into a Manichean divide between good and evil, heaven and earth -- there is some 'good' to be learned with the senses -- Augustine's Continue Reading...

Augustine of Hippo and Metz Essay

People often say that the end of world is coming. Although this may be true to some extent, this is merely a way of people interacting with society that has happened multiple times in history. A kind of death and rebirth that categorizes a shift in m Continue Reading...

Saint Augustine Confessions Essay

St. Augustine's autobiography Confessions is an honest, if not severe, work of introspection. Although many of its themes and motifs are outmoded, there are core elements that remain relevant to modern readers, which is why Confessions remains critic Continue Reading...

City of God Augustine Research Proposal

Anselm also added the passion of repentance and the exhilaration of praise to the bare texts, involving the supplicant in an intensity of feeling and a deepening of understanding. In the intensity of sorrow for sin, he is the heir of Augustine of Hi Continue Reading...

St. Augustine Confession Two Wills Essay

It was not simply that his body did not obey his will and that he possessed a stronger spiritual and a physical will after his conversion, but that before his conversion his will was not fully sincere internally. He had not yet accepted God's grace, Continue Reading...

City of God, Augustine Defends Term Paper

Moreover, unlike Augustine who criticized the mysticism, the Jewish faith embraces it, however Judaism is more concerned about actions that beliefs (Judaism). In the Jewish law, sex is not considered shameful, sinful or obscene, nor is it a necessar Continue Reading...

John Calvin's Book Entitled the Term Paper

It is my opinion that Calvin was not a Protestant, but only a Reformer. The Catholic doctrine of justification by faith is really a works-based recognition that somehow the individual is going to do enough to get himself to heaven. Calvin did littl Continue Reading...

God's Sovereignty Book Review

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God Packer's latest work is a brief, nontechnical discourse about how God's sovereignty and responsibility of humans impacts evangelism. It is not a guide to the latest in evangelistic action. The primary objective Continue Reading...

Original Sin and Human Nature Essay

Augustine derived from Plato, a perspective that the human self exists as a thinking immaterial soul. Plato stood firm in believing that after dying, the souls with the greatest love for the forms would rise and ponder over eternal truths. This to Pl Continue Reading...

Reading Comprehension Discussion Chapter

Augustine, Anselm and Aquinas Question #1 from "Augustine Confessions 2nd edition. Translated by F.J Sheed: Please explain Augustine's theory that evil is the privation of good, and argue for its relevance to at least one other main theme in the co Continue Reading...

Dialogue with My Dorm Mate Term Paper

Christ was always present, even before he came to earth, but he waited until humans were able to accept him. The incarnation is still important, as Aquinas would remind us, as this is the ultimate proof of the eternal power and existence of God's po Continue Reading...

Separation of Church and State Essay

Freed from original sin, the City of God is the perfection of harmony between God and human beings. In his book, Augustine then finally dispels the idea of the Roman Empire being the earthly establishment of God's kingdom. It was simply too imperfec Continue Reading...

Gospel of John, Verses 1-5 Thesis

" (Kysar 27) Scholars at times forget that the bible is not only a work of theology but also a work of literature. Barnes also believes in this interpretation and its New Testament expression of the Trinity, "I am thinking, in particular, of the piv Continue Reading...

Free Will The Issue of Term Paper

Human beings understand that their free will is not threatened by the future of the stars. Faith is a choice that need not be influenced by the fact that the sun will one day burn away. Nor is faith influenced by the ineffability of divine foreknowl Continue Reading...


CHURCH FATHERS DO YOU FIND THE MOST INSPIRING AND WHY? THE COURSE IS NAVIGATING CHURCH HISTORY. Cairns, Earle. E. (1996). Christianity Through Centuries: A History Christian Church. (Third edition). Saint Augustine of Hippo The majority of people Continue Reading...

Great Theologians The Purpose of Book Review

In explaining his theories and conceptions regarding the divine nature, the writer helps us understand what the Thomistic school of thought is. It must be underlined that the Thomistic conceptions reach a very profound philosophical level. Regardles Continue Reading...

Political Philosophers Term Paper

Man and the Right Government Plato's work has been much criticized as class bound, as many thought it reflected the moral and aesthetic standards of an elite in a civilization were slavery was a natural thing for many. Plato tries to depict the adv Continue Reading...

Faustus and Everyman An Analysis Term Paper

Faustus, who sees his time also coming to a close, becomes a kind of Hamlet-figure and doubts that he can be forgiven. Faustus' problem is more than a life of misdeeds -- it is a problem of lack of faith. The faith of Everyman may have been lukewarm Continue Reading...