81 Search Results for Childhood Obesity Epidemic A Growing Concern

Childhood Obesity is Growing at Thesis

Also the correlation between LVMI and BP suggested higher risk for developing cardiovascular complications among the obese children. [Maggio et.al, 2008] Coronary Heart Diseases Childhood obesity is implicated as a chief risk factor for developing Continue Reading...

Recent Childhood Obesity Epidemic Term Paper

Obesity Psychology The Psychology of Obesity Obesity is a significant public health problem. Due to negative nutritional habits, a lack of exercise and a greater proclivity toward lifestyle decisions which expose individuals to lesser physical acti Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity is a Major Term Paper

They note first that "parents can help their children develop and maintain healthful eating and physical activity habits, thereby ultimately helping prevent childhood overweight and obesity" (Lindsay et al., 2006, para. 2). Because the role of paren Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity Growing Essay

Childhood Obesity Growing Where some oppose the idea of childhood obesity being a disease, there is still a growing epidemic where children's weight exceed the normal weight per height and age and increasing health concerns that must be addressed wi Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity One of the Term Paper

Another factor which has been proven to be linked to obesity is breast-feeding. Children that are breast-fed are less likely to become obese than bottle-fed infants. ("Further..." 2003) Other reasons cited for the increase in obesity among children Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity Epidemic in USA Essay

Childhood Obesity Focused on 6 to 11-Year-Olds in Tyler, Texas Obesity is associated with a condition of calorific imbalance in which the ratio of consumption of calories consumed and the ones expended is skewed such that the amount of the ones spe Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity The Problem of Term Paper

Another issue is the fact that our nation's schools are failing to provide students with healthy foods in our in-school lunch programs. The school programs are making little effort to structure their menus so that the daily nutritional requirements Continue Reading...

Obesity Epidemic in North Carolina Thesis

Waters' illustrious footsteps. Local sports leaders and teams might like to engage in 'shape up' campaigns, such as rewarding students who do a required number of 'steps' per day. Up until this point, unfortunately, North Carolina's emphasis as a s Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity in Childhood is Term Paper

I knew a family with five children. The mother did not like to cook and so for dinner every night, she took her kids to McDonalds. The children ate hamburgers almost every night for most of their childhood. They also ate lots of French fries and dr Continue Reading...

Obesity in America Term Paper

Obesity in the United States The extent of the Problem Obesity as one commentator says, is not just a "matter of aesthetics" but has become a major public health problem in the United States. Similarly, Federal health officials have categorically s Continue Reading...

Obesity in Children Obesity is Term Paper

Television viewing needs to be controlled because this is a major source of weight gain. With children engaging in less physical activity and merely dumping themselves in front of the TV in their spare time, obesity is bound to rise. Major studies Continue Reading...

Obesity in Middle School Obesity Essay

This is an area that receives little attention, but it promises to be fruitful if attention is given to it. The health practitioner will combine attempts to reach this group with administrative policy and in combination; there will be a moderation o Continue Reading...

Obesity Policy Guidelines Essay

Policy Guidelines Obesity has grown into a worldwide pandemic, with obesity rates constantly increasing. The WHO (World Health Organization) reports that over forty million children and 1.4 billion adult individuals may be categorized as ‘overw Continue Reading...

Prevention of Obesity Essay

Obesity in Los Angeles County The United States, while being one of the most technologically developed countries in the world, is not a healthy nation. Typically, when we think of disease pandemics we think of things like Swine Flu, Ebola, Lyme dise Continue Reading...

Obesity in Adolescent Females in Essay

During the study a number of factors were considered for the evaluation of the fact that females unlike males in Saudi Arabia constitute a larger proportion. Themes Lifestyle and dietary Adolescent boys and girls were studied for at least two wee Continue Reading...

Obesity - Medical Health Issue Term Paper

These studies point to other factors that contribute to obesity and being overweight among children. For some experts, the association with genetics has grown out of changes in human physical activity. Concerns such as obesity did not matter when p Continue Reading...