285 Search Results for Clinical Interviewing Skills and Techniques in Social Work

Social Work is an Important Thesis

The stopping of treatment is the primary reason for this early intervention. This tactic has been extremely successful for many years and should be Once the induction interviews are complete, the client and the social worker can move on to treating Continue Reading...

Social Work Scenario Mrs. Ozdemir Assessment

al., 2009). Part 5 -- Use of reframing Reframing refers to the manner in which something is said, or the actions one takes in introducing certain elements to clients -- perhaps a new way of looking at an old problem, of themselves, of a clinical is Continue Reading...

Clinical Psychology Dissertation

Clinical Psychology Dissertation - Dream Content as a Therapeutic Approach: Ego Gratification vs. Repressed Feelings An Abstract of a Dissertation Dream Content as a Therapeutic Approach: Ego Gratification vs. Repressed Feelings This study sets ou Continue Reading...

Developing Mindful Practice Essay

Mindful Practice This is a case Black male 21 years of age, conceived with HIV and offered up to child care since he was five years old. He was constantly moved from one care center to another, and vulnerable to mishandling. He is experiencing issu Continue Reading...

Treating Trauma Children Chapter

Effects of TraumaPart 11.What does it mean to be a mindful therapist and in what ways can you incorporate mindfulness into your personal social work practice?Mindfulness means staying in the moment and being aware of ones thoughts, bodily sensations, Continue Reading...

Psychosocial Assessment Essay

Psychosocial Assessment Describing Problem Personal Status Current Pattern of Use and Drug History Substance Abuse and Treatment History Medical History and Current Position Family History and Present Relationships Positive Support Structures Continue Reading...

Case Formulation Case Study

Differential Diagnosis The patient has been given a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Major Depressive Disorder. Since depressive symptoms are common in PTSD we would need to consider whether the depression or the PTSD is the pr Continue Reading...

Parenting Program for Women and Thesis

There are many of these individuals, and it is time that this is changed. Parents often look away from these kinds of problems, or they spend their time in denial of the issue because they feel that their child will not be harmed by parental involv Continue Reading...