79 Search Results for Criminology Which Uses Psychological Knowledge to Analyze

Analyzing Low Self Control Theory Essay

Low Self -Control Theory This theory deviates from the emphasis on informal relational controls and concentrates instead on individual controls. Through effective parenting practices of discipline and monitoring, some kids develop the ability to app Continue Reading...

Police Use of Deadly Force Capstone Project

367 Although the incidence of deadly force use has likely remained steady in the first five categories, Russell and Beigel emphasize that based on the increased attention being directed at the "stake-out and drugs" category, these rates are likely Continue Reading...

Memory Law Criminology Term Paper

Criminology: Memory and the LawMemory has ample implications in the field of law for detecting a true criminal and the defenders who are struggling to prove themselves innocent. The journey from the investigator seeking for the truth to the final ver Continue Reading...

Eyewitness Testimony, Etc. In a Term Paper

41+). Loftus notes that science has found "post-event information" is integrated into what most people have actually experienced because, "when people experience some actual event -- say a crime or an accident -- they often later acquire new informa Continue Reading...

Human Trafficking Research Paper

Human Trafficking Opening Statement Over the last several years, the issue of human trafficking has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because the industry is considered to be a major source of income for organized criminal gangs Continue Reading...

Death Penalty & Race in Term Paper

" This article puts forward the notion that when analyzing the "...relationships between minority groups and mainstream populations," the issue of whether the use of "formal control is applied fairly and consistently between these different groups" Continue Reading...

Tipping Point Ever Wondered Why Term Paper

By using these and other examples such as Wunderman's use of the "Gold Box" in the TV commercials for Columbia Record Club, Gladwell drives home the point that the Stickiness Factor can help create and tip an action trend in favor of envisaged goals Continue Reading...