181 Search Results for Diets Upon Heart Disease Though

Diets Upon Heart Disease. Though Term Paper

"Excessive caffeine intake can lead to a fast heart rate, diuresis (excessive urination), nausea and vomiting, restlessness, anxiety, depression, tremors, and difficulty sleeping." (MedlinePlus, Medical Encyclopedia, Website, 2003) The heart is cle Continue Reading...

Young Adults & Heart Disease Term Paper

The Archives of Internal Medicine study confirmed that 30 minutes of walking a day (10-12 miles a week) "can prevent weight gain in most people who are now inactive. Other studies have shown that working up to 10,000 steps or more could reduce the Continue Reading...

Dieting Makes People Fat Essay

Dieting makes you fat:" Old wives tale or scientific fact? 'Dieting makes you fat.' On the surface, this assertion seems counterintuitive. After all, dieting for weight loss usually involves calorie or carbohydrate reduction; restricted eating; eat Continue Reading...

Congestive Heart Failure is a Term Paper

Activity is another important concern for many individuals that have congestive heart failure. Some of them will be resentful of the fact that they are no longer are able to perform many of the activities that they once performed, and others will b Continue Reading...

America's Diet Essay

America's Diet The typical American diet is one high in sugars and processed foods. Accordingly, The United States has earned the unfortunate nickname of "Fast-food Nation." The initiation of the rapid growth in fast-food consumption rates in Americ Continue Reading...

Menopause is Not a Disease Essay

While some people may also seek treatment for minor symptoms like hot flashes, it is when more serious symptoms occur that women should see a doctor. Osteoporosis occurs in the first few years of menopause whereby rapid bone loss is experienced thus Continue Reading...

Parkinson's Disease Essay

Abstract This paper examines the impact of Parkinson’s disease on elderly (65+ years of age) Caucasian males. This is an underserved population in the U.S. 1% of all elderly persons suffer from Parkinson’s and 60% of them are of this unde Continue Reading...

High-Fat, High Calorie Diet on Term Paper

In the STAI, the researcher asks the subjects how they feel at the moment and in the recent past, and how they anticipate feeling in the future (Benazon & Coyne, 2000). This test is designed to overlap between depression and anxiety scales by me Continue Reading...

Decline of the American Diet Term Paper

The meat comes from a local independent packing company that doesn't buy beef that has been injected with growth hormones; the buns are from a bakery in Pueblo, Colorado; and two hundred pounds of potatoes are "peeled every morning in the kitchen an Continue Reading...

Effect of Forgiveness on Health Thesis

forgiveness on human health. In its simplest form, the purpose of the study is to evaluate human psychological stress that might constitute a risk factor for heart disease. Further, the study will also evaluate the impact of forgiveness on heart dise Continue Reading...

Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Term Paper

Korotkoff Phase Should Be Used as the Endpoint for the Measurement of Diastolic Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Literature Selection and Identification Critical Appraisal of Selected Literature Five Korotkoff Phases Conducting System of Human He Continue Reading...

Prevention of Obesity Essay

Obesity in Los Angeles County The United States, while being one of the most technologically developed countries in the world, is not a healthy nation. Typically, when we think of disease pandemics we think of things like Swine Flu, Ebola, Lyme dise Continue Reading...

Diabetes Case Study Essay

Mrs. X. Relationship of high cholesterol levels to the development of cardiovascular disease Diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol are all strongly correlated. Even when diabetes is being well-managed, the patient's risks factors increase f Continue Reading...

Carl Cardiac Case Q1.What Should Essay

Carl must be psychologically prepared to make such changes, however. Thus, as well as taking Carl's blood pressure and submitting a blood sample to have his cholesterol screened (getting his blood glucose level assessed, even though there were no pr Continue Reading...

Nutrition Plan Get Healthy Plan Term Paper

At 50 laps an engagement, I am in and out of the gym pool in 45 minutes. In the intervening two days, I engage in the lower impact activity of Frisbee golf, which gets me outdoors and walking for three to four hours a time while also stimulating an Continue Reading...