272 Search Results for Enforcement of International Child Labor

Nike and Child Labor Thesis

The Secretary of Labor shall provide by regulation or by order that the employment of employees between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years in occupations other than manufacturing and mining shall not be deemed to constitute oppressive child labo Continue Reading...

Child Soldiers Research Paper

Child Soldiers "The question of children and armed conflict is an integral part of the United Nations' core responsibilities for the maintenance of international peace and security, for the advancement of human rights and for sustainable human devel Continue Reading...

Child Support Laws: History of Essay

The state parent locator service lessens the delay of collection of child support. The child support enforcement agencies in most states have the authority to order genetic testing in order to establish the parentage in cases of paternity. Child sup Continue Reading...

Child Sex Trafficking Problem Research Paper

Child Sex Trafficking: Sex trafficking is basically defined as the enlisting, harboring, provision, moving, or acquisition of an individual for the main goal of a commercial sex act. In this case, an individual who has not attained 18 years old is f Continue Reading...

Unfair Labor Laws and Sweatshops Term Paper

The organization explains that consumers can take the initiative to speak out against companies that use sweatshops. (Ten Ways to end Sweatshops) They can also join campaigns such as OXFAM which attempt to ensure that special events such as the Oly Continue Reading...

Social Justice and Children Thesis

He then went to work for the family business, lived in a nice home and drove a nice car, but had no reported income. Since the birth of their child, who is now a teenager, he has contributed virtually nothing to the child's support, though his mothe Continue Reading...

China One Child Policy Social Research Paper

Several factors should be considered before the restrictions are lessened. The relaxation of the policy will only be considered if there is an ample amount of evidence showing that low fertility rates will be sustained. Current studies show that Chi Continue Reading...

Force in Law Enforcement The Thesis

During the 1960's and 1970's, violent contact with the police, resulting in force occurred during anti-war, labor and civil rights demonstrations, during a politically tumultuous time. It is safe to conclude that excessive force was used during the Continue Reading...

Professor Alston on the 'core Term Paper

Meanwhile the country in alleged violation may continue their activity until a final decision is made. It may require the cooperation of several countries willing to step in and force change (Basu 2001). The ILO regime is a concerted effort to enfor Continue Reading...