19 Search Results for Ethics and Female Circumcision

Analyzing Female Gender Mutilation Essay

Female Gender Mutilation Female Genital Mutilation The procedures that constitute the removal of the external genitalia of the females, whether in part or wholly, is referred to as female genital mutilation or briefly as FGM. It also constitutes ot Continue Reading...

Routine Infant Male Circumcision Essay

Routine Infant Male Circumcision While female genital mutilation has garnered a great deal of attention in recent years, male genital mutilation or circumcision has been for the most part overlooked in research reports. (Redactive Publishing, 2010, Continue Reading...

Is Justice for All Possible? Term Paper

justice as it applies to ethics. Specifically, it will reflect about whether or not justice is obtainable for women in war torn areas of Africa. Justice is often highly elusive, and it seems that the women of Africa are extreme examples of how justi Continue Reading...

Virginity and Gender Identity Term Paper

Virginity and Gender Identity in the Arab World. In many cultures the significance of female virginity is closely aligned with that of gender identity and oppression. In traditional Arab cultures and many African societies, virginity is still linked Continue Reading...

Kenya Culture: A Kenyan Case Thesis

However, Kenyans can also be very demonstrative to others, openly hugging and touching family and friends in the street. "Especially in cities you'll often see street preachers, who offer religion as a solution of the many social ills in Kenya," and Continue Reading...

Colonial Conflict in Africa Essay

Colonial Authorities in Africa and Their Attempts to Curb Leisure Activities through the Law: The Conflict between African Identity and British Rule The British colonial administrators in Africa viewed Africans like “children” in need of Continue Reading...

Moral Minima (the Good Society, Essay

By Goodman's analysis, the systematic murder of one million people motivated by the specific intention of genocide is morally worse than the systematic murder of one million and one people selected arbitrarily. The author does not explain why the mo Continue Reading...