79 Search Results for FASB Impacts the Financial Accounting Standards Board

IASB/FASB The IASB is the Research Paper

Under GAAP, reversal of an inventory writedown is not permitted. Under IFRS, reversal of an inventory writedown is permitted. If the writedown has been recognized in previous years, the reversal can be conducted through the income statement of the y Continue Reading...

Accounting GAAP and IFRS Essay

Accounting includes recording, summarizing, and reporting of the economic activities and events of an organization. It is pertinent in business decision-making and the management and control of operations. The financial statements reported by a compa Continue Reading...

ACA Accounting Research Paper

Accounting The Affordable Care Act (a.ka. Obamacare) has created some interesting implications for financial reporting. The issues revolve around the determination of benefits, particularly when companies opt to put their employees through Obamacare Continue Reading...

Research of Emerging Accounting Issues Essay

.....mission of the Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) exerts upon the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) The Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) was established with the main purpose of addressing and coming up with resolve for current issues Continue Reading...

U.S. GAAP Vs. IFRS Accounting Research Paper

S. listing. Present Status: A lot of nations are moving on to IFRS in the wake of the regulatory developments for adopting the same. The Security and Exchange Commission -- SEC's non-requirement of foreign firms reporting under IFRS to deposit reco Continue Reading...

Role of Accounting in Economy Essay

" (2004) Ricol states in relation to the audit area that "...actions were recommended in two primary areas: 1) Reducing threats to auditor independence; and 2) Strengthening audit quality control processes. (Ricol, 2004) In regards to corporate ma Continue Reading...

Accounting for Income Taxes The Term Paper

This process has been ongoing since then. One of the major differences between the two standards is going to be that whereas GAAP emphasizes rules, the IFRS is a principle-based approach. Implementing a principles-based approach has significant imp Continue Reading...

Sarbanes Oxley Memo Term Paper

accounting discipline has taken a public relations beating over the past few years as a result of scandals in corporate accounting; much of this abuse has been well-deserved. Regulations regarding conflicts of interest, independent monitoring, repor Continue Reading...