746 Search Results for Genre Theory

Genre Theory Essay

The Godfather is the quintessential example of the gangster genre, which includes “films that deal with organized crime, often with mob families,” (Chapter 4). In fact, The Godfather also fits squarely within the gangster genre because it Continue Reading...

Fantasy Genre Film Wizard of Oz Essay

Genre theory offers a useful means of classifying films according to their tropes and conventions. Although films constructed purposely to fit into a specific genre can be criticized for being overly commercial, genre theory does reveal how American Continue Reading...

Film Theory Film and Reality Essay

The spectator is unwittingly sutured into a colonialist perspective. But such techniques are not inevitably colonialist in their operation. One of the innovations of Pontocorvo's Battle of Algiers is to invert the imagery of encirclement and exploit Continue Reading...

Film Auteur Theory in Tim Thesis

Gotham is a dark place, which manifests evil in the character of the Joker (Jack Nicholson). Bruce Wayne, Batman, is the force with which evil must reckon. Batman, however, has his own dark side, which is manifest in his costume, his gothic style ma Continue Reading...

Auteur Theory Application Essay

The term auteur emanates from France and it means author, which in film theory implies that a film by a director mirrors their artistic and ingenious vision. In accordance to Pearson and Simpson (2001), an auteur is delineated as a film director that Continue Reading...

Social Control Theory All Control Term Paper

If integration with a conventional social group helps prevent suicide and "delinquency" (Hirschi 1969) and motivates people to fight, make sacrifices for a community, or commit deviant acts on behalf of a sub-cultural group, it should affect almost Continue Reading...

Nursing Theory The Evolution of Essay

" Types of Reasoning One of the main types of reasoning discussed in the readings is logical reasoning. This type of reasoning features the use of inferences in order to come into knowledge about a certain experience or phenomenon. Essentially, inf Continue Reading...

Hip-Hop Theory, Culture The Central Essay

The unique sounds of rap music challenged the American listening public by shifting away from rock song structures and instrumentation. Sampling songs and scratch became some of the signature effect of DJs, who provided the music over which rappers Continue Reading...

Personality Theories Term Paper

Jet Li-Psychological Personality Analysis The Image of Jet Li: Development of a Wu-Shu Master For many years, Asian actors have not been given enough opportunities to break into the entertainment industry in the United States, popularly called the Continue Reading...

PTSD Cognitive Process Theory in Thesis

In this study, patients were adults suffering from PTSD that had been referred after three months of PTSD symptoms. These patients were not combat soldiers, and had been referred after either a non-sexual assault or a motor vehicle accident. The pat Continue Reading...

Princess Bride Film Analysis Essay

Introduction: Contextual Information Released in 1987 and based on a 1973 book by William Goldman, Rob Reiner’s film The Princess Bride has been aptly called a “cult classic,” because of the way its mediocre box office performance b Continue Reading...

1950's Cinema Term Paper

Cinema 1950s 1950s was a decade of change for the U.S. - cinema was no exception, as it modeled itself to accommodate the social changes U.S. society was going through. Films not only provide entertainment to masses but are also believed to express Continue Reading...

Television Through the Ages and Case Study

("The Lunar Extinction Episode," 2010) What this shows, is how the overall topics and materials discussed on both show represent a microcosm of modern day society. Where, the episode of I Love Lucy depicted her as unable to manage her own affairs wi Continue Reading...