142 Search Results for Hybrid Cars the Marketing Strategy

Hybrid Car The Pros and Term Paper

Cons of Owning Hybrid Cars: There are several cons to owning a hybrid car and they include the following: Lack of freeway cruising speeds in the majority of the hybrid models. The engines are not designed for consistently high speeds over 80 mph Continue Reading...

Hybrid Cars Foreign Market Analysis Thesis

Works Cited Europe's hybrid and electric passenger vehicles. (2009, July 27). The Auto Channel. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2009/07/28/472014.html Honda's cumulative world-wide hybrid sales pass 300,000 in Janu Continue Reading...

Hybrid Automobile Will Be the Focus of Essay

hybrid automobile will be the focus of research into the motives consumers have for purchasing hybrids. Issues that will be reviewed include psychological and social factors, attitudes, personalities, family, socioeconomic factors and other issues. Continue Reading...

Marketing Explain Why and How Essay

Over the course of time, as others on the sales team see that one person is engaging in such actions, they will do the same. This creates an atmosphere, of corruption within an organization, where a large number of people will engage in questionable Continue Reading...

Automobile Industry Term Paper

Automobile Industry "the foreign market has surpassed quality over the U.S. Automobile Industry" The automobile industry is one of the biggest manufacturing industries of the 20th century and puts a severe impact on the economy of the nation. In Ja Continue Reading...

Marketing of the Apple IPad Essay

al.). Apple has positioned the iPad Mini as a solid competitor to the Amazon Kindle HD, which is very comparable in form factor and weight, in addition to the Google Nexus 7 tablet and the over 50 different Google Android-powered devices now availab Continue Reading...

Competitive Strategy Marketing Plan

Competitor Analysis and Competitive Strategy The competitor analysis for the Kia-Motors has been conducted in order to analyze and identify the key factors related to the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors i.e. Toyota and Dacia Automobiles. Continue Reading...

Foreign Market Entry Strategies: GM Thesis

GM's Chevy Volt and its all-electric design, as well as diesel-electric and conventional gas-electric hybrids could and must replace the image of the 'old' GM in the public's imagination. The company has shed the Hummer stigma, now it must create a Continue Reading...

Green Marketing Over the Last Term Paper

She also mentions the huge energy giant British Petroleum (BP) came up with some honest and effective marketing in its green promotions. And while it is laudable for an oil company to invest in green technologies, BP did it with "appropriate humili Continue Reading...

Auto Repair Car Repair is the Process Essay

Auto Repair Car repair is the process of diagnosing the car problem to identify the fault within the car. While the cars manufactured before 2000 requires special tools to be repaired, however, the computer technology has been increasingly used to d Continue Reading...

Hydrogen Fuel Car OPTION #2 Research Paper

People seeking to make a fundamental change in the way they transport themselves will likely need a great deal of information, some of which may provide greater clarity while others may provide confusion and resort in them seeking out another altern Continue Reading...

General-Motors-and-Toyota Term Paper

Marketing Plan for Toyota Toyota Motor Corporation is a public Japanese automotive manufacturer located in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. The company was founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda as a division of his father's Toyota Industries company (Chart, Ends, Continue Reading...

Electric Vehicle Industry Essay

Strategy Development at Tesla Motors The hybrid and all-electric vehicle market is growing rapidly, and some industry analysts suggest that the future of personal transportation is in the hands of these manufacturers. One company that is in the vangu Continue Reading...

Toyota Prius In the Case Study, Toyota Essay

Toyota Prius In the case study, Toyota Prius customers sought to achieve different kinds of goals, which the Prius was able to meet, hence helping its customers achieve these specific goals. Prius customers have a mix of immediate and long-term purc Continue Reading...