998 Search Results for Improving My Personal Learning Style

Self-Learning Style Assessment Term Paper

1983, Howard Gardner challenged conventional views of teaching and learning styles with his book, Frames of Mind. Gardner hypothesized that the skill-sets of different people are directly correlated to their learning styles. It was from this that he Continue Reading...

Learning Styles In Essence, Learning Essay

Choosing the most effective style that relates to one's individual personality is very useful in terms of increasing one's learning strengths. I have personally found that in reality most people combine a number of learning styles in developing the Continue Reading...

Adult Learning Styles in the Term Paper

For countries such as the U.S. And France, these needs can be reasonably expected to relate to the respective national cultures involved. For instance, in their book, Education in France, Corbett and Moon (1996) report, "An education system needs to Continue Reading...

Personal Consulting My Role As Essay

, 2007). The more I understand about the strategic objectives that senior management has for the project, the more I will be able to tailor that project to meet their objectives. This in turn leads to a high degree of support at the highest levels of Continue Reading...

Growing Up, My Family Instilled Essay

I did not see anything that compared to this Evaluation Program at the other schools noted. Secondly, Empire State College is considerably more flexible than a typical college, because it is truly committed to meeting the specific educational needs Continue Reading...