26 Search Results for Julius and Octavian Caesar the History of

Julius Caesar and His Rise Term Paper

After Cato saw that his forces were defeated by Caesar, in traditional Roman fashion, he fell on his sword and committed suicide. Despite this great loss for the Senatorial faction, Pompey's sons Gnaeus Pompeius and Sextus Pompeius, together with T Continue Reading...

Octavian Augustus Term Paper

Octavian and Roman Empire Roman Empire witnessed the rise and fall of so many emperors that it is hard to decide which one of them had the greatest influence on the empire. But historians have still made an attempt to found out just which ruler prov Continue Reading...

Figures of Legend in History Thesis

Conventional literature would come to see Cleopatra as an exploitive whore, responsible for the downfall of virtuous men like the Ptolemies, Julius Caesar and, inevitably, Marc Antony as well. So is this reported by historical accounts such as that Continue Reading...

Enforcing Social Order in History Essay

Sumptuary Laws in the Roman Empire The Roman Republic and the Roman Empire were both grandiose and both are a major part of the history of the world. However, they were quite different in many significant ways but they were also similar in some ways Continue Reading...

Rome Vs. Carthage History of Term Paper

Summary of the Punic Wars The Punic Wars refer to the collective names of a series of three separate wars between Carthage and Rome, which took place from 264 to 146 BC. The wars were fought between the two strongest contenders for control over th Continue Reading...

Ancient Rome Essay

Introduction Ancient Rome is the Roman Civilization founded in 8th Century BC in the ancient city of Rome. Ancient Rome succeeded the Western Roman Empire which fell in the 5th Century AD. Before it fell, the Western Roman Empire comprised of the Ro Continue Reading...

Greek and Roman Biography on Research Paper

d.). Caesar's death was partially owed to his mercy and intolerance, which, in mixture, were unsafe for his individual safety. Caesar had not wavered to assign carnages against barbarians when it had fitted him, but he was almost constantly generous Continue Reading...

Biography Cleopatra Research Paper

Cleopatra of Egypt is perhaps one of the most well-known of all historical figures and yet what is "known" about her, is mostly from Hollywood movies, books, and plays. Most records about the queen were written long after she had passed away and so, Continue Reading...

Rise and Fall of Rome and How Term Paper

rise and fall of Rome and how Christianity affected the history of Rome. Use at least two sources of information. The rise and fall of Rome was due to many changing factors including religious, social, cultural and military. Analyze and explain t Continue Reading...

Cleopatra and Antony The Daughter Thesis

Their relationship proved beneficial for both of them and the reciprocity is beyond any doubt. She understood the weaknesses of her state, but that did not stop her from seeking the ways to overcome them. She allied with the most powerful empire of Continue Reading...

Cleopatra by Micheal Grant Gives Term Paper

During this time, Caesar burned down all his ships which accidentally also burned down the Alexandria Library which was close by. Soon after Cleopatra was given the throne after Ptolemy XIII had been killed. Cleopatra also gave birth to a child who Continue Reading...

Roman Empire to Today The Term Paper

e. The voices who argue that America should and could be an imperial superpower, but lacks sound practical judgment. The thesis of this paper is that the history of the Roman Empire can be matched to that of the United States in terms of economy, po Continue Reading...

Western Civilization Final Term Paper

Still one of the crucial elements in this sense was the spread of Christianity. Constantine was the one who believed in a revelation that determined him to raise his children in the Christian faith and acknowledged Christianity as a religion (Potter Continue Reading...

Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Term Paper

Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire According to historians, the key to the establishment, survival and fall of historical societies is their use of resources and surplus income (Perkin 2002). Except for the most primitive, no society "would be able t Continue Reading...

World During First Century CE Term Paper

political, social and economical processes of the first century AD, it's important to distinguish main superpower, which dictated its values and spread its influence on other nations and ethnic groups. If to look on the problem from these perspectiv Continue Reading...

Analyzing Opera and Opera Fandom Essay

Opera and Opera Fandom Discuss the issues surrounding the physical appearance of female singers on the operatic stage. What are the broader issues at play in this debate? The contemporary American society, in general, makes the assumption that oper Continue Reading...