13 Search Results for Naltrexone the Efficacy of Naltrexone

Heroin Addiction Vaccine Therapy Term Paper

Treatment Strategies for Heroin/Opioid AddictionIntroductionThis paper examines research on treatment strategies for heroin/opioid addiction, with a focus on three specific approaches: antagonist therapy, aversive therapy, and anti-drug vaccine resea Continue Reading...

Medications to Treat Alcoholism This Thesis

It is interesting to note that Tambour and Quertemont studied the effects of the same two drugs plus Disulfiram, an alcohol-deterrent drug. Their findings, in reviewing other studies, indicated slightly different results from Richardson. Since diff Continue Reading...

Vicodin and Its Addictive Nature Term Paper

Addictive Nature of Vicodin According to statistics provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated one and one-half million people in the United States started taking prescription painkillers for "non-medical" purposes in 199 Continue Reading...