171 Search Results for Obesity or Having a Body Mass Index

Obesity in Middle School Obesity Essay

This is an area that receives little attention, but it promises to be fruitful if attention is given to it. The health practitioner will combine attempts to reach this group with administrative policy and in combination; there will be a moderation o Continue Reading...

Obesity in America Term Paper

Obesity in the United States The extent of the Problem Obesity as one commentator says, is not just a "matter of aesthetics" but has become a major public health problem in the United States. Similarly, Federal health officials have categorically s Continue Reading...

Obesity Rates Are Defined As Thesis

The quality of the food brought into the home can increase caloric intake. For example, calorie-dense foods such as regular milk, sugar sweetened beverages, high-fat foods, and fast foods are potential sources of excess caloric intake. Family food p Continue Reading...

Childhood Obesity Epidemic in USA Essay

Childhood Obesity Focused on 6 to 11-Year-Olds in Tyler, Texas Obesity is associated with a condition of calorific imbalance in which the ratio of consumption of calories consumed and the ones expended is skewed such that the amount of the ones spe Continue Reading...

Obesity Definition Essay

Definition of Obesity The most common definition of obesity relates to the body mass index , or BMI. In the United States, the National Institutes of Health defines overweight as having a BMI of 25 or more, and obese as having a BMI of 30 or more. Th Continue Reading...

Planning Workload After Having a Child Essay

Nursing Case Study Jane lives a very difficult life when it comes to the everyday implications that she has to deal with. Taking care of one child at a young age is difficult enough; taking care of six by the age of 26, seems to be nearly impossible Continue Reading...

Saudi Arabia Obesity: Adolescent Girls Essay

In order to get various information for comparative analysis, several online databases will be explored so that the scientific data and social factors that will be unearthed are factual enough and relevant to the study of obesity among teenagers. T Continue Reading...

Childhood-Obesity-and-Obesity Essay

Policy, Politics, and Global Health The public policy issue selected is childhood obesity. I selected this issue because childhood obesity has a considerable longstanding impact on the health of the public as well as the cost of health care. This is Continue Reading...

Cardiovascular Health A Nurse with Thesis

"Participants were instructed to drink no more than 3 caffeinated beverages and no more than 2 alcoholic beverages per day" (pg. 2457). Two features from this study that stand out when compared to the previous study (as read about earlier) was that Continue Reading...

Obesity Epidemic in North Carolina Thesis

Waters' illustrious footsteps. Local sports leaders and teams might like to engage in 'shape up' campaigns, such as rewarding students who do a required number of 'steps' per day. Up until this point, unfortunately, North Carolina's emphasis as a s Continue Reading...

Obesity and Overweight Literature Review

Overweight and Obesity -- Literature Review A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that obesity is among the 10 preventable health risks across the globe. However, this health risk contributes to 300,000 annual deaths in the Unite Continue Reading...

Analyzing At Risk Population Research Paper

Analysis and Application An Existing At-Risk Population Obesity has been a major health issue in the United States that leads to numerous diseases. The obesity rates have been on the upward trajectory over the past few years. According to Hales, Frya Continue Reading...