71 Search Results for Popular Media and Teenage Pregnancy

Media Images Are Not Harmful Thesis

Providing a strong cultural and personal role model may be more important than attempting to socially engineer the messages teens and all citizens receive. The lesser susceptibility of certain ethnic groups to media pressures to live up to an ideal Continue Reading...

Teen Drinking Media Campaign A Thesis

One of those alarming physical changes is that the younger a person is when they begin drinking, even at low levels the more likely they are to become alcoholics. This change even overrides a known genetic predisposition for alcoholism. (Butler, Jul Continue Reading...

Music on Teens Actions In the Past Essay

Music on Teens Actions In the past 40 years all kinds of music has turned out to be more and more overt predominantly towards the negative side like sex, drugs, aggression and violence. Lately two of the genres which have caught great attention is Continue Reading...

Societal Themes and Media Essay

Societal Themes and Media Several different themes, narratives and ideas of the society are taken up by the media and presented to the masses in many different ways. In some cases, the purpose behind this adaptation is pure entertainment, meanwhile Continue Reading...

Curfew Policy Research Paper

Curfew Policy Description of policy Problem/need identification Development of policy Evaluation of policy It is unquestionable to claim that the world is progressively advancing and entering into the epoch of developments. However, it is very u Continue Reading...

Sampling of the Articles Within Term Paper

Women especially would not feel such a strong need to pursue boys or the "perfect" image, rather they would explore their inner self and their own needs and desires (Hamburg, 1992). Magazines like Seventeen create as Hamburg (1992) suggests, a "futu Continue Reading...

Gender and Sexuality Prior to Term Paper

A third reason is that members of the staff or leadership teams are barely taught to think of and use gender in delicate ways. A last reason given is that without the gender justice lens, the work of social justice organizations and the feminist mov Continue Reading...

Lisa Was a Sophomore and While in Essay

Lisa was a sophomore and while in the Alternative school, as was the case in the regular high school, she had been a student who had been in trouble frequently for talking back to and swearing at teachers, skipping class, not doing homework, hanging Continue Reading...

Hugo Chavez Success and Failures Essay

International Politics Political Leaders In Latin America: Hugo Chavez And Lula Who is Hugo Chavez and Lula Hugo Chavez was born on 28 July 1954 in Sabaneta, Venezuela. Chavez attended Venezuelan military academy and took up service as an army off Continue Reading...

Sex Education Gender Bias in Thesis

Thus, the issue of gender bias in sex education has been implied and touched upon by scholars and the public alike. Some studies, theories, and popular viewpoints seem to suggest that comprehensive sex education is biased toward women because it po Continue Reading...

Sex Education in Schools Has Term Paper

(Speaking Out About Sex Ed) look at some other countries and their greater success in implementing a program to address the unwanted pregnancy and risk of infection in teenagers may provide the answer to this controversy. In countries like England, Continue Reading...

Values of Rock N Roll Music Term Paper

Rock 'N Roll Music - the Diary of Youth Rock n' roll is best described as a "hybrid of many musical styles: white country and western, black guitar blues and rhythm and blues, and both black and white gospel music." (De Curtis) Rock ' roll began in Continue Reading...

Social-Problem-and-Science Essay

Anti-science is nothing new and in fact has been seamlessly woven into the story of human progress. Locating historical incidents linked to the repercussions of anti-intellectualism or anti-science is easy. One of the first European examples of the r Continue Reading...

Duty Mother Protect Unborn Child Essay

The Texas Heartbeat Act: A Case of Public Policing or Civil Rights Infringement?IntroductionThe recent implementation of the Texas Heartbeat Act has ignited a national debate over abortion rights, raising concerns about the power of the state versus Continue Reading...

Social Influence Conformity Research Paper

Introduction Social influence plays a major role in determining the extent to which people conform to norms in their environment. Social psychologists point to a variety of data that shows how impactful on the behaviors of individuals social factors Continue Reading...

Analyzing the Pro Veganism Term Paper

Pro Veganism A strictly vegetarian diet is best suited to the human body's needs, mankind's ability of survival on earth, and our inherent compassion. Switching to such a diet is fairly simple and creates the opportunity to lead a healthier, happier Continue Reading...

Effect of Forgiveness on Health Thesis

forgiveness on human health. In its simplest form, the purpose of the study is to evaluate human psychological stress that might constitute a risk factor for heart disease. Further, the study will also evaluate the impact of forgiveness on heart dise Continue Reading...

Economic Sociology Term Paper

Shame in My Game: The Economic Sociology of Poverty Poverty in America is such a politicized topic that it can be difficult for even the most neutral people to discuss. Part of the reason that poverty is so political is that most Americans have a r Continue Reading...