998 Search Results for Urban Culture

Urban Culture Term Paper

Urban Culture What is urban culture(s)? Hear the words 'urban culture,' and quite often one thinks of hip-hop, the music that is a fusion of black city culture with other ethnic elements of various cities, from Jamaican to Latino sounds. Of course, Continue Reading...

Urban Design When Discussing Urban Essay

Kowloon could be the epitome of a city that was developed under the theory of magical correspondences. Residences in Kowloon were not built in an orderly or organized manner, but rather were constructed according to the vast forces at work in the un Continue Reading...

Urban Health Crisis The United Essay

Neighbors comment on how much safer they feel and how much less violence there is. Knowing that one does not have to constantly deal with facing the violence everyday will indeed bring more people to take care of themselves more as they do not fall Continue Reading...

Urban Anthropology Term Paper

Urban Anthropology Our urban metropolises are no longer the vibrant or essential centers they used to be. The mass migration of the wealthy into the suburbs has left our cities with reduced tax bases and less stability and in turn the cities have ra Continue Reading...

Urban Education Term Paper

Urban Education In the recent past, research on the attitudes toward school of African-American students has suggested that the subculture within which many lived explained negative attitudes toward school success (Tyson, 2002). In this view, Africa Continue Reading...

Culture and the Environment Essay

Culture As Rai (2012) points out, just a generation ago, women had far fewer options in India. Even when they attended college, their job prospects were low and they were more frequently diverted to family life and domestic servitude. Now, increasin Continue Reading...

Urban Problems and Solutions Term Paper

Urban Problems and Solutions In the 1990's, the United States exhibited a decreasing trend in the rates of pre-marital sex and teen pregnancies. However, the rate of teenage pregnancy in United States is yet considered to be alarming in comparison t Continue Reading...

Urban Poverty Essay

Urban Poverty Readings Summary/Critique These readings examine the relationship between race and poverty, especially in urban settings that present a setting of de fact segregation. Mincy and others note the social reinforcement of certain poverty-p Continue Reading...

Culture of Poland The Country Term Paper

Changes in smoking and in the consumption of fruits and vegetables probably played a minor role in this decrease." (Disease Priorities in Developing Countries, nd) This information is shown in the following chart labeled Figure 1. Source: Willet et Continue Reading...

Mayan History And Culture The Term Paper

The Mayas sense of beauty was very different from other peoples in Mesoamerica (Hooker pp). They prized a long, backward sloping forehead, which was attained by bounding the skulls of infants with boards (Hooker pp). Moreover, crossed-eyes were als Continue Reading...

Hip Hop Culture The Hip Term Paper

Sadly, what began as a means of artistic expression has evolved into a phenomenon that has centered on exploiting women and glamorizing crime and violence, leading listeners to believe that this is not only the acceptable way of treating women, but Continue Reading...

Culture Refers to the Accumulated Essay

In history, in most of the Indian families, the inheritance of the estates of the family is left to the lineage of males in the family. Though since the year 1956, the law in India has always treated females and males as equals in matters of inherit Continue Reading...

Culture and Identity The Combined Article

A widely quoted and interesting functioning definition has been provided by Geert Hofstede who suggests that culture should be considered as software of a person's mind. He is reported to have said that each individual possesses certain patterns and Continue Reading...

Urban-Planning-and-Environment Essay

economy is in a state of recovery from the great recession. One of the key implications of this economic recovery for urban planning encompasses the decline in unemployment rate. Between 2010 and 2016, the unemployment rate has significantly decline Continue Reading...

Culture Identity Chinatown Essay

ChinatownThe "99% Invisible" episode titled "It's Chinatown" discusses the unique cultural and architectural aspects of Chinatowns in various American cities like San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. This episode gives an excellent co Continue Reading...

Culture a Political Issue? People Essay

In this way, they differ significantly from the general global tendency to have fewer children in the interest of a sustainable future for humanity. Cultural values are regarded as primarily important in the decision to have and raise children. Whe Continue Reading...

Culture Lyons, Kevin. "Cease and Term Paper

As a result, what could be a solid expose on how cultural art forms have been misappropriated becomes a spurious, although interesting piece. Intellectual property and the laws surrounding it are indeed direct products of the Western European cultur Continue Reading...

Culture There Are So Many Essay

This research focuses on the public housing neighborhood of Bezirganbahce. Like the first, this article shows how Turkish society "marks the areas populated by the urban poor as dangerous, a breeding ground for illegal activities, and areas of socia Continue Reading...

Urban Violence Term Paper

urban violence as it relates to a significant family stressor. The author examines the causes of violence as related to family stressors and applies a program to it to affect change. There were five sources used to complete this paper. The problem Continue Reading...

Culture on Brand Building in Term Paper

As a result, not only are foreign markets changing to adapt to the Chinese marketplace needs, the Chinese marketplace, and consumer, are likewise adapting and changing to meet the needs of the global market. For instance, the economic boom in China' Continue Reading...

Cultures As a Chinese Farmer Today, I Essay

Cultures As a Chinese farmer today, I live a life quite similar to what one might have read about in a Pearl S. Buck novel. I live in the same village in which I was born, in the small house in which I was raised, on a small property adjacent to th Continue Reading...

Culture Art York City Los Angeles Essay

Comparing and Contrasting Two CitiesNew York City and Los Angeles are two of the largest and most vibrant cities in the United States. While both cities share certain similarities, such as their size and diversity, they also have distinct differences Continue Reading...

Urban Anthropology Term Paper

Religion and Urban Landscape Social Assimilation and Identity in Gods of the City by Robert Orsi Religion as a social institution is considered one of the most influential agents in the society. As an institution, religion plays a vital role in alt Continue Reading...