A Self Assessment of Wellness Research Paper

Total Length: 630 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The four parts of the mandala indicate the balance that I feel is most important. One of the concepts at work here, however, is the interrelatedness of things. I have physical as being the most important, because in my experience feeling good physically has a lot to do with how you feel mentally. When I am tired, run down, or sick I have a much harder time keeping my spirits up. I am quicker to become upset, so less patient, and ultimately I feel that I am less productive as well. Feeling bad physically can result in sinking into a funk for a while until I feel better. Thus, my physical well-being is substantially tied to my emotional well-being as well. I have emotional as second because I feel that it flows from the physical, though arguably these are two halves of the same equation, and could be given equal weight. I have seen in my duties many patients who are physically unwell but who maintain an excellent mental attitude, and I really admire these people because I am not like that. I actually hope to learn from this people how to feel great mentally and emotionally even when my physical self is not at its best.

The mental side of things is important, but I feel that I have sound mental health.

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I know from people who work in mental health what it means to be in poor mental health, and I feel that my mental health is strong. I am sharp and able to deal with whatever situations arise, and have full confidence that this is always part of the equation somewhere, just something I have at this point not really had to worry about. The spiritual thing is 5% at best. I am not particularly in touch with my spiritual side, for better or worse it simply doesn't play a role in me being at my best and most balanced. I guess I just need it less.

3. If we think about wellness as being related to a number of different dimensions -- the University of California, Riverside (2016) offers a theory about seven dimensions, then my ideal environment would contribute to wellness on all of these dimensions. Indeed, Adams et al. (1997) found in a study that the different wellness dimensions are interrelated. So I seek environments that contribute to this, and these environments are….....

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