Service Orientation Essay

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boast about, but sometimes serving others sets an example that be a source of inspiration. Communicating our experiences with community service can show others what a rewarding opportunity the gift of selfless service can be, especially when approached in a Christian mindset. When we formed the St. Joseph Servers group (SJS), our intention was to create a community of like-minded individuals committed to service but without interest in personal gain. Our group meets informally. There are no dues, set meeting times, or requirements for membership. The only requirement is a genuine desire to serve others.

The SJS has done over 20,000 hours of community service each year in many different areas. We have swung on swings with nursing home residents, made puppets for the local Boy's Club anti-bullying campaign, and stuffed shoe boxes full for kids in Vietnam. We offer child care and baby sitting services for local parents in need, present hope baskets for the homeless, and participate in creative fund raising events like the "Blisters for Sisters" 5K fun run.

At SJS, we believe that service can be a form of prayer, done privately as an act of God moving through us (Matthew 6:6). This is why SJS conducts what we call "secret service" activities, which help people without their even knowing. For example, one of the students at Saint Joseph Catholic School brought to our attention an elderly lady in the community who walks to the grocery store in the heat of summer, only to buy a small amount of items she can afford. The "secret service" found out who she was and helped her by bagging her groceries, walking her home, and buying a few treats for her too. There was no need for embarrassment or shame; we at SJS are not about promoting ourselves. We only want to help. Similarly, we have helped suicidal teens address their problems in ways that helped them to trust themselves. It is not our goal to make people dependent on our organization or any other, but to help people help themselves. This is another reason why the "secret service" model works.

We also believe that it is our duty and responsibility to pass on our knowledge, energy, and whatever we can to others in the service of God (Psalm 78). When it came to our attention that a large number of residents in the community were hurting themselves by falling off the curb due to poor eyesight, we became determined to find a way to paint the curb a bright color. The only way to do this is by dutifully researching information on the problem, showing what other communities have done to paint their curbs and make their streets safer, and asking simply that the state government can help fund the endeavor. We are still working on the proposal to the local legislator, and have called the project "Curb Service." Our organization will do whatever it can to serve, because we do view it as our duty.

We at SJS understand the importance of strategic partnerships, because we can never go it alone. Only by working together can we succeed.
For instance, we joined together with the Mississippi Forestry Commission to create a Christmas Giving Tree Farm, which we may rename the Charlie Brown Christmas Farm after the popular animated Christmas show. We have seven acres to work with, and in spite of the many setbacks we have had with seedlings that refuse to grow, we remain persistent because it is projects like these that ultimately make people smile and help our community become a better place to live. In fact, the setbacks and frustrations we experience sometimes make us say, "Good grief!" just like Charlie Brown, which is one of the reasons why we selected this name for the tree farm. We are practical and pragmatic in our approach to community service. Some projects are relatively quick and easy, but some take years to complete. We understand that, because our team is comprised of long-term thinkers who are dedicated to a life of continual selfless service. Service is not a means to an end; it is an end in itself.

One of our greatest challenges has been managing our social media. Many of us are suspicious of the ways social media works, because there can be too many egos involved. Service is not a popularity contest. However, I understand that social media will help get the word out about our programs, attract needed funding or sponsorship, and encourage the community to come together. We need to manage our social media in accordance with Christian values and virtues. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets," (Matthew 7:12). Our words must be chosen carefully. Words can be used to empower and uplift, and these are the ways SJS intends to present ourselves across all media platforms.

It can be tricky to balance selfless service and "secret service" with the need for publicity and fundraising. Applying Christian principles to our work is the only way to keep everyone on the same page. The simple things matter the most, such as offering direct service and aid to individuals in the community. We want our members to offer direct and personal service to people in need, including the elderly, the sick, the disadvantaged, or the homeless. There is no type of service that is beneath us; for we feel we are obliged to help all according to God's law. Our work is supported by Pope Francis, whose programs like "Shave and Shower" have been models of inspiration for SJS's work with the homeless. Our service also does not stop in our backyard. We see no national boundaries, because we are one people, one world. This is why we have also helped people in other countries. We often wish we could do more; like all servants, we wish we could save the whole world but always need to remember to take one small step at a time. If we cannot offer direct assistance for whatever reason, we will do our best to direct or refer the person to an organization that has that….....

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