Stock Volatility Discussion Finance Essay

Total Length: 482 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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STOCK VOLATILITY Investors and their PerceptionMarket efficiency is a situation where market or security prices accurately represent all information available to participants (Hamilton & Booth, 2007). In an efficient market, all market participants have access to complete and perfect information about security prices such that market prices are unbiased estimates of securities true prices (Hamilton & Booth, 2007). Since everyone has access to the same information about prices, it is impossible for an investor to gain an edge over others by trading financial assets (Hamilton & Booth, 2007).A serious limitation of the efficient markets hypothesis is it ignores the fact that investors value stocks differently. An investor may evaluate a stock based on its growth potential, while another may look at how it explores undervalued market opportunities. The two investors will not have the same assessment of the stock’s fair value as suggested by the efficient market hypothesis (Hamilton & Booth, 2007). The differences in fair value assessment among investors make it impossible to effectively value a stock under the efficient market hypothesis.
Further, history offers multiple cases where stock markets were affected by panic situations that made them irrational and allowed investors to make high profits by buying undervalued…

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…value keeps changing over time (Ross, 2012). For instance, a company may report a high rate of growth in its initial years but the rate may not be sustainable in the long-run and may begin to slow down. In this case, the beta value will be high initially and reduce as the company progresses. Secondly, the calculate beta depends on the data set used (Ross, 2012). Most financial websites may report different beta values for the same stock because they use different data sets to calculate the same. It may be impossible to determine which beta value is most accurate. Thus,….....

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