Review of the Strategic Management Society Website Term Paper

Total Length: 847 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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What information was expected to be found and was not there expected to find much more on this site than is present today. To begin with, the SMS is a highly academically focused organization, and as a result its members are continually working on research projects, presenting papers, and also working through many academic calendars and teaching schedules. As a result of the richness of this research one would expect to find at least a trace of these materials on the site, and in fact there are none. This is disturbing. Further, the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Strategic Management Journal aren't offered on a trial basis, and content is not even available from them. Instead there are links to subscribe to these publications. This makes the entire site look like an organization of academicians also promoting these two journals.

Links from the site that are helpful

The site does include an excellent set of links for external publications including the link for the International Journal of Strategic Management.

Additional Notes Regarding the Site

The impact of globalization on strategic planning is non-existent on this website, and that is troubling.

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Nowhere can one find a reference to the World is Flat (2005) or the concepts of creating foreign subsidiaries. One would at a minimum expect to find the very challenging prospect of creating a supply chain in India covered, yet there is again nothing. The case study Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (a) (2003) defines the dynamics of this clearly, yet this site has nothing to say on the critical aspects of globalized strategies and its impact on strategic planning. Worst, the conferences are all in the U.S., and for the organization to get a sense of globalization it needs to get out the country from time to time.

Line Evaluation

This site looks like a combination of an academic network that is looking to create its own identity in addition to a marginally useful site that doesn't deliver the depth of insights its members are creating. The bottom line is that given the sites' design and delivery of content, it's a major disappointment......

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