What Suggested Solution American Colonization Society Antislavery Society Successful Reaching Solution Essay

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Colonization vs. Anti-Slavery

The question asked for this brief report is whether the wants and demands of the pro-colonial folks and the anti-slavery folks that existed during the early days of the United States both had their demands and preferences met as far as end outcomes and such. The answer is "yes" but it did not really start until the Civil War, went a lot further in the 1960's and in some way continues to this very day. However, both parties should be at least fairly happy with the end outcome as slavery is gone and America is completely developed and "colonized" for all intents and purposes.

Slavery certainly didn't start with the United States as many European colonies and countries around the world used the practice and Great Britain in pre-United States history was certainly on exception. This continued even after the creation of the United States in the 1770's and indeed was deemed to be a necessary evil as many people (some Southern, some not) would not have agreed to the initial form and function of the United States if slavery was out of bounds.

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Even so, slavery was abolished not even a century later in the early 1860's and the United States nearly fractured permanently when the Civil War happened from 1861 to 1865. Abraham Lincoln himself ended up giving his life when he was assassinated. About a century after that, in the 1960's, blacks were still living as second-class citizens in light of things like Dred Scott, Brown vs. Board of Education and the forced de-segregation of schools in Alabama.

Basically, even if it's coming in major steps roughly a century apart every time, the anti-slavery advocates have eventually gotten what they wanted even though the colonialists got what they wanted much sooner and much more up front. As….....

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