Teaching Philosophy and Practical Experience Journal

Total Length: 628 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Experience with Failure Retrospective Analysis

I discovered that there were many more elements of academic performance than could possibly be accounted for in such a broad conceptual approach. Likewise, the many variables that influence and determine academic performance are interrelated in such complex ways that my assumptions were, apparently, simplistic albeit idealistic and well-motivated. I discovered, for example, that some students are simply disinterested in many academic subjects, irrespective of their intelligence and self-esteem. In fact, in my experience, the instances where poor performance appeared to be linked to early educational experiences were far fewer than instances where entirely different factors seemed to be responsible.

Stuck Writing Your "Teaching Philosophy and Practical Experience" Journal?

Additionally, I realized that it was not realistic to assume that I would necessarily be able to identify the precise point where each student first experienced difficulties for several different reasons. Since that time, I have revised my approach and now try to focus more on identifying the interests and possible learning styles and preferences of individual students so as to present material to them in a manner most conducive to their absorption, particularly where they appear to be more intelligent than their performance would indicate......

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