Teeth Materials Essay

Total Length: 685 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Dental Materials and Their Parameters Characteristics

Dental materials are very critical for health of human teeth; however, some dental materials are frequently used for the teeth while some are rarely used. Temporary dressing and dental restorative materials are commonly used materials that dentists use to restore the healthy teeth. Part of the characteristics of restorative materials is that they should consist of soft and natural hard tissues. Typically, density, dimensional changes and appearance of restorative materials are very important when choosing restorative materials. Dimensional changes are very important in choosing restorative materials and manipulation of materials involves mixing two or more components. Moreover; density is a fundamental property for the design of restorative materials and the use appropriate alloy is very critical to avoid the displacement. The use of resin-based product, hue, chroma and natural acid are very important to assist teeth to resist solubility and erosion. One of the major functions of restorative materials is to replace tooth subject to wear and tears, or dental trauma. (McCabe, & Walls, 2009).

The choice of appropriate materials in the fabrication of the restorative teeth makes them to be similar to the natural teeth in strength, adherence and appearance. Some of the examples of restorative teeth include

Tooth-whitening products.

Intermediate restorative materials,


Glass ionomer,

Composite resins. (McCabe, & Walls,

The parameters used in the manufacturing of restorative materials make them to last for a very long time because they are intended to perform similar functions of natural teeth which include chewing and biting capability. Typically, the restorative materials have capabilities to withstand stress and strain on human tooth.

The parameters characteristics of restorative materials are:

Physical properties, application.

biocompatibility, aesthetics and Temporary dressing is the second dental materials that dentists use for teeth dressing. Unlike the restorative dental material that aims to last long, the temporary dressing is aimed to serve for a very short-term. Moreover, the temporary dressing cannot withstand stress and strains and are mainly used for therapeutics purpose. Essentially, the dentists use temporary dressing materials to carry out teeth….....

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