Traditional Chinese Medicine Moxibustion or Term Paper

Total Length: 1007 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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36 in the same demographic.

Research Design:


The rationale of this study is to compare effectiveness of direct moxibustion to acupuncture alone or standard recommendations on recovery time and ability to perform during training and events related to long-distance running in healthy young adults.


The method of this work will be that subjects will volunteer to allow treatment in the study and have preliminary exams, just following the first period of training (performed by trained practitioner of moxibustion and acupuncture) and will then be placed randomly into each of the three comparative study groups. The practitioner will then interpret results based on treatment results exhibited by improved range of motion and reported decrease or maintenance of fatigue by study participants. All participants, regardless of group placement will have intake and result exams following second period of training or after first running event and results will be compared and collated anonymously and be available to coaches and participants prior to study end and publication.

Inclusion/Exclusion criteria-

Any individual on the team will be included or excluded based upon initial practitioner exam. If any individual reports previous catastrophic joint injury or disease, such as arthritis or other joint malformation, diabetes, heart disease or any other disease that would potentially put them at risk for exacerbation of symptoms, decreased standard circulation or potential injury they will be excluded from the study and counseled for support treatment of pre-existing conditions.

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All others will be included, on a voluntary basis.

Collection of Data-

Practitioner conducting all exams will be responsible for the collection of data, and researchers will be responsible for the collation results.

Analysis of Data-

Researcher, in conjunction with practitioner will qualitatively and quantitatively analyze results based upon initial (baseline) findings as well as post clinical follow ups, at the time of treatment (or lack of treatment) and at a follow up one week after treatment.

Expected Results-

Based on other research and historical documentation of the results of moxibustion treatment at St. 36 on fatigue there should be a marked difference between control group (non-treatment group) and acupuncture group and possible marked difference between both groups with the added treatment of direct moxibustion.

Possible Difficulties/Limitations-

Much of the information gained will be self-report based upon interpretations of the study participants, and it is frequently difficult to compare or even trust such qualitative information. The study group size will be limited to 30 participants (excluding those who are deemed unfit for the study) as that is the size of the cross country team to be studied, which could impact generalizabilty. Clinical interpretation by the practitioner could also be biased but this is less likely.


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