Undercover Operations, by Their Very Term Paper

Total Length: 1336 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Under no circumstances will I condone officers committing felony acts on our watch; any who do so should be disavowed legal protection and prosecuted summarily.

Third, I believe that Detectives Underwood and Freeman can do their jobs successfully without smoking pot or committing any other violation of the law. Not everyone in Ruckus is going to be a pot smoker. To assume this shows that we might not have intelligence as good as we believe, and it's time to get back to the basics. A newcomer who does not want to smoke pot could make that decision for any number of personal reasons. The more confident Detectives Underwood and Freeman are in their guise, the more likely they will be accepted and believed. Smoking pot is a sign of weakness. The pot can enhance any residual paranoia our detectives might already be feeling, and would undoubtedly interfere with their judgment and ability to the job well. Come up with a creative reason why you don't smoke, Detectives Underwood and Freeman. Say that your dad was a drug addict, and you've been clean for years. Say you are a recovering addict and you've been clean for years. Say you're a Buddhist. Whatever you want to say, say it with conviction. You will not be had if you are more careful. What happened last time is that Detective Sullivan left his mobile phone in the bathroom, which was careless. Don't be careless, and you'll be fine.

Furthermore, I do believe that our undercover officers will compelled to intervene in order to prevent crimes that they have knowledge of ahead of time. If we do not intervene, what reason are we spending all this time and money on the operation? We must remember our core values, goals, and ideals.

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However, it is critical that Detectives Underwood and Freeman contact the JTTF immediately and receive orders before making any hasty decision that might jeopardize their cover.

We do need to ensure that Detectives Underwood and Freeman receive ample training and debriefing before they begin their infiltration of the Ruckus Society. We also need to establish some criteria so that the rules are clear. Because we need to clearly articulate the goals of the mission, and the roles and duties expected of Detectives Underwood and Freeman, I am going to draft a compendium or reference guide that will be stored digitally on the Detectives' iPads. This compendium will have written clearly the ethical guidelines that I have outlined here related to authorized criminality. As Joh (2010) points out, "In limited circumstances, then, FBI agents may participate in crimes as an official part of their duties." I will be working with our colleagues at the FBI for their advice on how to handle tricky situations. We believe that the JTTF can accomplish its goals without resorting to criminal activity. We do, however, understand the extremely sensitive and potentially dangerous work that Detectives Underwood and Freeman are being asked to do. To preserve the integrity of our local police departments, the careers of all officers concerned, and to preserve the respect the law enforcement establishment, I strongly advise that we take an honest look at the situations that could arise at the DRNC and respond accordingly. For now, I expect that Detectives Underwood and Freeman will undertake their deep undercover roles with care and ethical conviction......

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