U.S. Contained the Seed of Essay

Total Length: 424 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Southerners could not earn a living without exploiting black people as slaves. The Northerners did not just want slavery abolished because of the unjustice it did to the slaves, but also because of the damage it did to the Union. While the industrial revolution had helped the North's economy thrive, the southern economy had been on the other edge, with southerners making lesser money because they lacked the technology available in the North. The distribution of wealth was another issue since this limited profits, compared to that made by the Northern States were mainly made by the landowners, while the rest of the population was living in poverty.

One of the early factors to trigger a quarrel between the North and the South had been the issuing of the Constitution. In spite of the fact that it had a pacifist nature, it stood against most principles that Southerners had at the time. As they had no significant connection to slavery, Northerners favored the Constitution and the concept of freedom and equality between people regardless to the differences existing between them.


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