Vision Company Background Company Overview Clear Vision Essay

Total Length: 1094 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Company Background

Company Overview

Clear Vision is a premier manufacture of cutting edge personal vision solutions. The company's new breakthrough product, Liquid-Drop Contact Lenses, will create an entirely new niche in the eye care industry. The company is headquartered in the U.S. And manufactures their products domestically. The entire production facility is FDA approved and the company produces high quality goods that are all focused on the eye care industry. The company has been in business for over fifteen years and has experienced massive growth. The company's biggest drive of growth has been innovation and the company is looking forward to the launch of its next generation product to spring board the company's growth once again. The company is also anticipating getting its certification to begin tapping into the European market for foreign expansion.

Mission Statement

Clear Vision, Inc. will be the world's premier provider of contact lens goods and accessories. Our mission is providing value to people to help them see clearly while also making them as comfortable as possible.

Marketing Plan

Product Position Overview

The introduction of contact lens gave consumers and alternative to eye glasses. Liquid-Drop Contact Lenses will give consumers an alternative to traditional contact lens. They are significantly lighter and less dense than traditional lens and therefore give users a feeling of barely having a contact lens in at all. The superior wear-ability that the lens offers put them in a whole new category of eye care devices. Many customers can hardly tell that they are wearing anything at all. The technology that offers this performance is not inexpensive and the products demand a premium in the market place.

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Therefore the target market will consist of people who are in the market for the premium contact lens.

Potential Audience

It is often difficult to generate a report on the total market for contact lens. In recent years the total market size has stayed relatively constant with the U.S. market valued at approximately $2.4 billion at the manufacturer level in 2012. (Nichols, 2013). The market for contact lens has not grown in equal segments; rather the market for soft lens has grown faster than other segments. Furthermore, the latest economic downturn has made many customers consider various substitute products such as glasses so that they could save money. However, our target market will consist of the segment of potential consumer that are looking for quality and innovative designs so that they can be as comfortable as possible with their vision correcting lenses. The U.S. is slowly progressing through an economic recovery and the worldwide market is also predicted to grow 8.6% over the period 2012-2016 (Wood, 2013).

Entry into the European market would also be a prime target since their market is similar to the U.S. market and the same niche could be found there as well. The European market has a total growth rate of 9.69% of the 15-64 years old population wearing contact lens, the Nordic region (DE-FINO-SE) is leading the penetration ranking, ahead of new second, Switzerland (7.77%). Assuming 50% need vision correction, the Nordic region has an almost 20% penetration rate while the lowest is Germany (2.96%) (Euromcontact, 2009). There is also the possibility that a free-trade agreement may be signed in the future between.....

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