Waste Management Ghiban, A. & Article Critique

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The three types of glass ceramics were then analyzed for structural integrity and thus, viability for use in industry. Methods of analysis include optic and SEM, which help determine qualities like glassiness. Results showed that larger amounts of CaO in the vitrification process changed the termperature at which crystallization takes place. By increasing the CaO amount in the glass ceramics, a higher cooling temperature during the crystallization process is needed. This may have cost implications for the manufacture of the glass ceramics.

Although the results demonstrate the specific differences between different glass ceramic compositions in terms of dendritic crystal shape and the temperature needed to achieve crystallization, the authors do not make any specific suggestions for industry. The research design itself is not flawed, although it would be preferable to perform future research on different types of industrial waste to find out which materials are conducive to sustainable and cost-effective recycling.

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Moreover, the authors do not perform any fiscal analysis on the different manufacturing processes. There is no indication of where the source materials (fly ash, mixed quality soda-lime-silica; mixed boron waste; and furnace-metallurgical slag after Fe-Ni production) come from, how toxic they are, and how much they cost. The authors did not carry out any measures of toxicity, which is a key in the decision of whether and how to implement experimental glass ceramics in industry. Cost of transforming the source materials into the glass ceramics is also not discussed. Finally, it would be helpful to know the cost of production of new ceramic glass so that manufacturers could make educated decisions based on the cost….....

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