Women's Lives After American Revolution Essay

Total Length: 660 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Women's Lives After American Revolution

Whereas the American Revolution has had a significant on people living in the thirteenth American colonies in general, it was also responsible for generating change in domains that appeared to have nothing in common with it. Previous to the War of Independence, most women in the colonies were relatively accustomed with being discriminated on a daily basis. The American Revolution, however, played a major role in changing the way that women in the colonies behaved, as it presented them with the concept of freedom as being one of the most important values that one could uphold. Thus, ever since the American Revolutionary War women in the U.S. took on new ideas and engaged in a process that was meant to gradually improve their social status. The American Civil War was also essential in assisting women in experiencing progress, as, similar to African-Americans, they acknowledged the fact that they were free to exercise their rights, regardless of what society previously thought concerning their position.

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One of the main factors for which women came to be more appreciated consequent to the American Revolution was their involvement in the war. This respective involvement is responsible for creating the expression "Republican Motherhood." However, in spite of the initial enthusiasm concerning women's status in the U.S., it gradually became obvious that women would only get a few limited rights, as the concept of patriarchy continued to dominate over American territory. Seeing how the Reconstruction period following the American Civil War has had little to no effect on the way that African-Americans were treated in the southern states, women were just as underprivileged consequent to the American Revolution. Even with that, conditions changed significantly in both cases, as in spite of the fact that black people and women did not actually experience significant progress, they were able to feel how society viewed them differently.

Americans were well-aware of the fact that it was imperative for women to be provided with rights,….....

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