Why Continuing Education Is Important for a Nurse Term Paper

Total Length: 1068 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy

My strengths outweigh my weaknesses in personal and professional accountability. On this front, I am actively pursuing continuing education, which gives me to the tools to advance both in understanding of the field and in the workplace environment. I am planning my career along these lines. One of my weaknesses lies in doing the annual self-assessment, which I need to be better about doing and am making a resolution now in my action plan to do this every year so as to turn this weakness into a strength.

In terms of career planning, I am looking at possibilities about where I want to be in the next 5 to 10 years and evaluating options. Career-wise, decisions must be made on the basis of where I am in my continuing education and what the needs of my family are and where we are at as a whole. I must take all of these considerations together before I make a move that would affect us all. However, by knowing my role at an expert level, I am confident that I can rise in my career to the next stage. I am able to do this because I understand my current job description and the requirements that are expected of me. My current level of practice is commensurate with my understanding of the job and I have enough experience to qualify me as a veteran. So these are all strengths of mine.

When it comes to planning the future, my weakness shows because there are many factors that are continually changing that I need or feel the need to taken into consideration and to compensate for. For example, if we decide to move for whatever reason, will I want to continue on with this career at another location? If the family has other needs, like schooling, that arise, how will this impact my career? What choices am I prepared to make, what goals am I prepared to pursue or sacrifice if need be? Arranging priorities is something I know how to do, but balancing work options, career aspirations, and family life is a challenge and one I need to address more assertively by having this discussion with my family so that there is much better transparency and communication.

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Nonetheless, I attempt to position myself well so that I am prepared for whatever move needs to be made whether it is for my career or for my family or just simply for myself. In this way, I like to maintain a flexible outlook, and keep an upbeat and positive attitude that is life-affirming and goal-oriented on several fronts.

My personal journey disciplines include a plan to take part in managing councils that promote shared leadership. This is an important part of developing one's career and taking on more responsibility, and I am very active and supportive of this step. I also take part in "action learning" exercises that are used to problem-solve issues. Another strength of mine is that I take time to actually reflect on these exercises and….....

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