Departments, Police Officer a Generalist. Discuss Inconsistent Essay

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departments, police officer a generalist. Discuss inconsistent Max Weber's theory division labor? 2) Police departments written protocols including general orders procedures.

Max Weber promotes the idea of specialized division of labor, thus meaning that his theories are against instances such as a police officer taking on generalist roles. By carrying out specialized roles, individuals are more likely to assist the community as a whole in achieving positive results. This would also make it possible for the system to be better organized and for the idea of hierarchy to be less problematic.

Police departments need to encourage officers to take on open minded attitudes in spite of the fact that their role is to enforce laws whenever this is required. Officer discretion involves a law enforcement agent being able to properly understand the situation that he or she is in. Decision space is the information concerning the options that he or she has in the given circumstances and the ability to select the best course of action. Officer discretion also involves a process called option awareness, as this respective process entails a series of decisions that an officer needs to make in order to effectively deal with the situation that he or she has come across.

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Coordinating police activity can be very different from supervising police activity and these actions practically exclude each-other. Gulick's POSDCORB's system makes it possible for one to gain a more complex understanding concerning the difference between the two actions. The former largely involves the person in charge having to take control over his or her subordinates and concentrate on influencing them to invest their physical and mental into their jobs while the latter relates to police officers themselves being well familiarized with their roles and only needing supervision, as they can take charge of these respective roles.

The Hawthorne effect is likely to generate mixed feelings within a department because of how individuals in this respective department perceive each-other's tendency to put across exemplary behavior. While group cohesion is likely to dominate the atmosphere in a police department, the Hawthorne effect is probable to influence some to change their attitudes as a result of acknowledging the situation they are in and the fact that it would be in their best interest to emphasize their honesty.

The idea of job satisfaction becomes especially intriguing when discussed in the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Job satisfaction is related to both esteem and self-actualization when considering Maslow's….....

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