Eyes on the Prize (English Term Paper

Total Length: 658 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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I wonder whether they ever recovered emotionally from the abuses they endured. Do they pretend not to hate white people today? Do they believe that white people today feel the same way about them as they did fifty years ago but only act differently because of the different laws today? When they see white men today who are in their early twenties, do they picture them as being the same as the young white men who tormented and abused them back then, but only behaving better because they have no choice?

I realize that these types of feelings and thoughts must be very similar among all groups of people who suffered wrongfully because of others. I am sure that there are just as many film clips of Jews being persecuted in Nazi Germany during World War II and of Chinese people being slaughtered and raped by Japanese soldiers during the Japanese invasions of China beginning in 1936. I am sure that in all of these groups there must be many people who have never fully recovered from what they experienced themselves or what they saw happen to their friends and loved ones by the cruelty of other people.
I wonder how they look at people today who might remind them of some of their tormentors and abusers even though they know that none of them were the same people or even alive yet….....

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