Fire Protection Systems As Required Term Paper

Total Length: 1425 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Other types of systems include carbon dioxide systems. This is ideal for electrical hazard areas; however, it's more expensive than sprinkler systems. Foam extinguishing systems use a foam producing solution. it's effective for combustible liquids; however, again, it is not cost effective for most applications ("Chapter 31").

Determination of Water Amount and How it Can be Provided:

The problems encountered regarding the determination of the amount of water required on premises for a system and how that amount of water can be provided begin with the layout of the system. So many factors come into play, from the length of the piping run, to the size of pipe, to the elevation of the floor on which the system is installed, to the number of sprinklers included in the system. Each of these affects the pressure at each of the sprinkler head, and the amount of water needed to meet the minimum requirement for the sprinkler system. That water can be provided by either the municipal water system, if the pressure is substantial enough. If not, supplemental pumps can be used to increase pressure, to provide adequate flow.

Different Types of Fire Extinguishers:

There are basically four different types, or classes, of fire extinguishers. Class a extinguishers are designed to extinguish fires from common combustibles, like wood or paper, which is its primary benefit. The numerical rating on Class a refers to the amount of water it holds. Class B extinguishers are suited for fires with flammable liquids, like grease, oil or gasoline. The benefit of Class B extinguishers is the suitability for kitchen fires, where many fires begin in the home. The rating number is the approximate square footage that the extinguisher can extinguish.

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Class C extinguishers are designed to extingui electrical fires. The advantages of Class C extinguishers is the non-conductive agent it uses. Class D extinguishers are designed specifically for flammable metals, which gives them the benefit of extinguishing this sometimes difficult material ("HFD"). The disadvantages of all of these types of extinguishers is that they were each specifically designed for a certain combustible material, and their use of other materials could be either ineffective, or in some cases such as using a Class a on a flammable liquid fire, it could make the situation more dangerous.

Public Reaction Regarding Mandatory Systems:

The public reaction to mandatory systems have been mixed. Most accept the fact that fire suppression systems installed in building helps minimize property damage and saves lives. However, the public has often expressed concerns about these systems. The first concern is that these systems don't provide anymore protection than fire alarms. This is untrue, because although alarm systems warn occupants of a fire, they do nothing to minimize or extinguish the fire. The public has always been concerned about the aesthetics involved in system installation. However, there are systems designed now that can be mounted flush to the ceiling of new buildings. There has also been significant concern that the mandatory systems would add so much cost that it would make construction unaffordable, especially for first-time residential home buyers. In reality, "sprinkler systems cost only about 1-2% on the total contruction costs" (Simeona 8). However, once the public was educated about these myths, most realized the disadvantages of a mandatory system requirement were far outweighed by the advantages of saving lives and property.


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