Leader I Admire Nelson Mandela's Term Paper

Total Length: 1042 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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He set up three foundations bearing his name: The Nelson Mandela Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund and the Mandela-Rhodes Foundation (Ibid). Since stepping down as president in 1999, Nelson Mandela has become South Africa's highest-profile ambassador, has campaigned against HIV / AIDS and secured his country's right to host the 2010 football World Cup (BBC Profile). He has also been involved in peace efforts in other regions of the world.

Aside from newspaper and journal articles, as well as websites on the life of Nelson Mandela, I have watched a number of interesting documentaries. However, I believe the most striking was called "Frontline: The long walk of Nelson Mandela." This documentary allowed the viewer to get a more profound understanding of the hardships that Mandela was faced with all his life. Also, this documentary depicted his personal life and painted a more vivid picture of the man who would change the destiny of South Africa. This documentary made me realize what a complex individual he is, and what fascinating stories he still has to share with the world. If I was given the chance to have a conversation with Nelson Mandela, I would ask him about his struggle to survive the confinement which lasted almost 28 years. From what I have read and seen in several documentaries on his life and political career, his lack of bitterness concerning that era is truly remarkable. He himself has said that perhaps he would have harbored bitterness and negativity had he not had a "job to do."

Mandela once said, "The struggle is my life." Upon his conviction, Nelson Mandela gave a final statement which has been evoked on countless occasions, and has represented a true motto of the fight against the apartheid in South Africa, and racial segregation in general: "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.
I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." Nelson Mandela has spent his entire life as an advocate of racial equality and freedom, be it of mind, speech or assembly. Despite the fact that he is no longer President of South Africa, he is still leading the battle against racial discrimination with vigor and resilience after spending nearly three decades behind bars. He has sacrificed his youth for his country, and the ideals he believed in. Moreover, he is a true inspiration not only to everyone who shares his fight and goal, but also to those who faced with difficulty, stay strong and uphold their beliefs.

Profile of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela." African National Congress. http://www.anc.org.za/people/mandela.html

Nelson Mandela." BBC Profiles. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/1454208.stm

Negotiating Peace." Nelson Mandela Organization. http://www.nelsonmandela.org/index.php/memory/views/biography/#negotiatingpeace

The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela." Public Broadcasting Service. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/mandela/etc./tapes.html.....

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