Management Case Study; One Work Colleagues Sits Case Study

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Management Case Study; One work colleagues sits close unhappy position vocal office announcing discontent. They consistently draw conversation solicit support position. Some team members office starting perpetuate gossiping.

Event management case study

Within the workplace, a situation occurred in that one of our colleagues was extremely unhappy about their position within the firm. He constantly talked about it and strived to get me in a conversation about his discontent. I usually avoided such conversations, preferring to focus on the professional tasks and responsibilities, but I sensed that he was interested not only in exposing his point-of-view, but also in convincing me to support his opinion.

While I preferred to stay out of the conversations, the colleague approached other members in the office and some of them appeared sympathetic. As a result, the gossip is spreading out and it is both supportive of the colleague's plea, as well as condemning of it. In such a setting, a question is being posed regarding my own reaction to the given situation.

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I initially preferred to not engage in such conversations with my colleague in an effort to stay out of quarrels or any other potential tensions in the office. I prefer to keep my interactions with my colleagues at sociable levels, yet focused on business objectives. I as such adopted a reserved attitude towards my discontent colleague, but seeing as his plea intensifies in the office and generates interest from other colleagues, I believe I should know more about it.

In this order of ideas, the first thing I need to do is to talk directly to my colleague. I would prefer to do this in a private means, in which we do not fuel any more gossip. In this order of ideas, I would try to engage in electronic communications with him or I would invite him for a cup of coffee outside business hours. Given….....

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