Marketing Industry Introduces People to the Belief Essay

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marketing industry introduces people to the belief that they need to acquire a specific product because of this or that benefit. As a result of the marketing campaign, people may start developing a feeling of want, allowing themselves to be convinced that the product in question is imperious for their well being. It is through these strategic techniques that people's perceptions are influenced. And it is because of such strategies that, more than in one occasion, people end up purchasing products they don't really need. However, in certain circumstances, it just so happens that an advertisement meets people's needs and, as a result, the circumstances have created relevant opportunities. In this essay, the key words are need, want, and opportunities which we will be addressing in terms of concepts and strategies. We will provide specific examples to substantiate our research.

Consumer behavior is dependent of a multitude of factors that, whether we know it or not, influences our perception over things. Of course, financial possibilities may be the most relevant aspect in either purchasing or refusing to buy a product. However, personal attitude and values, social and cultural backgrounds are also an influence on consumer behavior and, what's most important is that they may work on a subconscious level more than consciously. For the marketing industry to be able to come up with opportunities that meet people's actual needs, it is important that these needs are assessed properly. But marketing usually addresses consumer's behavior which is further influenced by its strategies. That is to say that a study on actual needs may be more of a study on what people want which provide the marketing industry with the right instruments to create purchasing possibilities. To further illustrate this idea, let's take a specific case of advertisement. Assuming there is a need to promote a new perfume, the marketing industry is more likely to choose a famous person to advertise it. The consumer then is influenced by the presence of the famous figure to purchase the perfume even though it isn't a case of actual need. And, in this respect, we will assume that the consumer is already in the possession of a number of similar products.

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What's more, let's say the famous figure is someone who is also seen as a respectable individual by the mass media. The consumer also has assimilated the perception and, given the trust and respect he assumes the famous figure holds he is more so encouraged by his personal beliefs and perceptions to buy the product. And, as such, this turns into a case of want rather than need. On the other hand, assuming the consumer has recently run out of perfume, and the advertisement is released around this time, it turns into a case of need and subsequently, opportunity. That is to say that the opportunity has presented itself for the consumer to fulfill his or hers needs.

Consumer behavior also assumes that people's possessions directly affect their state of being. It is not solely the market industry which is interested in conducting relevant research, but indeed psychology has a clear interest in that the whole process is less economy orientated but more psychological. Financial benefits may be its purpose, but consumer behavior represents the variety of psychological processes that clearly address recognition of needs, solutions, decisions, etc. Evidently, the marketing industry isn't always a consumer's main source of influence. Personal sensations and perceptions, preferences, and communication with others, etc. can determine an individual's state of either needing or wanting. Technological developments have determined many companies to re-evaluate their services and update them to modern requirements. In this respect, telephones, specifically mobile phones, are among the main sources for communication and thus a need for most people in modern societies. However, families with lower income would be able to recognize their need for mobile phones but their economic situation would not allow them to acquire, for example, Apple's latest iPod or any other brand of smart phones. In this respect, their need would be fulfilled by acquiring less expensive phones but their desires would not be….....

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