Nursing Research Critical Analysis: Qualitative Term Paper

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" (p.4)


Data analysis involved "immediate debriefing after each focus group with the observer" and during this time, debriefing notes were recorded containing comments related to the process of the focus group and the data's significance. Secondly, the tape was listened to and the content of the tape transcribed. Third stated is that the tape's content was check and non-verbal behavior given consideration by the researchers. Stated as benefits in this type of analysis was the observer having noted: (1) parts of words; and (2) non-verbal communications, gestures and behavior. (Sharif and Masoumi, 2005; p.5) Data gathered in the study was coded and categorized in cohesion with the qualitative content analysis stated by Grangheim and Lundman as well as focus group data analysis of Stewart and Shamdasani. Three levels of coding were selected an appropriate method of coding the data in this study. Level one coding was utilized in making an examination of the data "line by line" and coding the language.

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Level two coding made a comparison of coded data with other data and is used in the process of categorization of the data. Level 3 coding provides a description of the Basic Social Psychological Process, which is used to refer to the primary themes arising from the categories. The next step was submission of the information to two assessors/validators, which determined the coding reliability.


The strength of this study is the identification of factors by students that affect their "professional socialization" as "professional role and hierarchy of occupation were factors which were frequently expressed by the students." (Sharif and Masoumi, 2005; p.7) Additionally, the students's conduction of self-evaluation of their own professional knowledge and the values and skills that contribute to the self-concept of a professional was an important gain in this study. The limitations of this study are the gender-specific….....

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