688 Search Results for Plato's Theory of Ideas

Determinism, As the Belief That Essay

Today's world has greatly expanded and the challenges and provocations that humanity faces are great. Starting with political and economical challenges, and continuing with social and informational challenges, these are all more vast and complex tha Continue Reading...

Trolley Problems Self Driving Cars Essay

The Limits of Deontology and Utilitarianism in the Trolley Problem Introduction The trolley problem is an old moral quandary that essentially has no wrong or right answer. It is a kind of worst case scenario in which one must choose the lesser of two Continue Reading...

Ethics, Privacy, and the Workplace Essay

Technology / Privacy / Workplace There is a rapidly increasing use of technological monitoring in the workplace, and while technology in general has been highly beneficial to companies, the use of some technologies has raised privacy and ethical con Continue Reading...

Economic Crisis and Capitalism Essay

Economic Crisis The recession of 2008-2009 and the subsequent government responses provides a good test for economic theories. There are no controlled experiments in economics, so we can only work with case studies in order to understand how economi Continue Reading...

Torts Tort is a Wrongful Term Paper

However, this aspect of tort law does not apply equally to all areas of tort law. For example, under theories of intentional infliction of emotional distress, a tortfeasor's behavior has to shock the conscience of the court. That a particular victim Continue Reading...

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice Essay

Epistemology and Duty Ethics in Criminal Justice Ethical Issues 1 Ethics in Law Enforcement Agencies As Roufa (2019) notes, ethics in law enforcement are essential to prevent behaviors from going unchecked and bad reputations from being developed. Et Continue Reading...

Triple Bottom Line Essay

Social and Environment Justice The triple bottom line covers both the social and environmental dimensions. Justice might be a vague concept but it is one of those "you know it when you see it" ideas, for which any company can and should develop spec Continue Reading...

Companies I Talked About in Phase 1 Essay

companies I talked about in Phase 1 was Costco. The big thing in this and other reports is that there are tradeoffs, but they are not necessarily ethical tradeoffs. Ethical dilemmas must have tradeoffs that are mutually exclusive and where the agent Continue Reading...

Tort Law -- Vicarious Liability Essay

" The Encarta dictionary also uses "force" in this context: "To create something, such as a way through something, using physical strength or another kind of power." In Courtney's case, his power was smooth deception. His polite mannerisms, his seem Continue Reading...

Special Education Screening Research Paper

Abstract Students with disabilities or suspected disabilities are evaluated by schools to determine whether they are eligible for special education services and, if eligible to determine, what services will be provided. In many states, the results of Continue Reading...

Roman-Empire-and-Rome Essay

Roman Empire and the Athenian Empire were alike in many ways. Both developed a culture based on the same mythology in order to unite their people in belief (the Romans Latinized the Greek gods and goddesses but the narratives remained largely the sam Continue Reading...

Responses to the Age of Enlightenment Essay

Irrationalists and the Enlightenment Thomas Carlyle and his friend Mazzini were a couple of the "irrationalists" who opposed the Enlightenment developments and believed men needed a "new religion" (Stromberg 50) in order to guide them towards futur Continue Reading...

Ethics and Virtue Research Paper

Virtue as an Ethical Concept The objective of this study is to examine virtue as an ethical concept. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy states that virtue ethics is a "broad term for theories that emphasize the role of character and virtue in m Continue Reading...

Ancient Greece & Rome The Essay

At any stage in the proceedings, "judgment could be entered by default, but it could also be set aside "…except in the case of perjury established by judgment of court" (Calhoun, 309-10). The incidents mentioned above pertain to civil law only Continue Reading...

Daoism Way Daoism As 'The Term Paper

Religious Daoism has reconciled itself with philosophical Daoism by claiming its purpose as "cultivating this special epistemic ability, obediently following teachers and traditions. The philosophical strain's emphasis on natural spontaneity, freed Continue Reading...