997 Search Results for Drug Abuse Drug and Substance Abuse Is

Basic Helping Process Case Study

HP) is a workable, respected program designed to offer support for those whose needs are not being met. The various settings in which the HP is put in action include people in a mental health setting, criminal justice, substance abuse issues, educat Continue Reading...

Steroids in Sports Term Paper

Athletes may take simulants, narcotic analgesics, anabolic steroids, beta blockers, diuretics, peptide hormones, or engage in blood doping, a technique to increase packed cell volume by re-infusing previously drawn blood. Drug testing is not standar Continue Reading...

Documentary of Incest Case Study

Child Abuse and Neglect Intervention Child Abuse Neglect & Intervention The documentary Family Affair was written, narrated, and filmed by Chico Colvard ("IMDB," 2010). The film is focused on a retrospective look at events that took place in hi Continue Reading...


DSM IV-TR Grade course Alcohol intake, getting high, cocaine addiction and withdrawal symptoms are some of the terms widely heard by everyone in their day-to-day lives. Although they may sound interesting, habitual or a source of entertainment, the Continue Reading...

Collective Bargaining Term Paper

Labor Relations & Globalization Argue for or against the use of the "school voucher program." Which do you believe is right? Explain your answer. Both the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) identi Continue Reading...

Gray Markets for Pharmaceuticals Term Paper

Pharmaceutical Gray Market on Operations and Strategies The safety, security and prices of pharmaceuticals in the United States represent a fundamental national security interest. When essential drugs are unavailable or priced too high, the public' Continue Reading...

Psychological Theory Term Paper

Alcoholism and Upbringing Psychological theory James' father is responsible for James' involvement in crime and burglary. Origin of the problem. Alcoholic parents are the reason for the moral decay of juveniles Another reason for James' feelings o Continue Reading...

Racial Profiling, The War on Term Paper

New Jersey held hearings concerning racial profiling in which one state police investigator testified that 94% of the motorists stopped were minorities (Anderson Pp). Not only were minorities more likely to be stopped than whites, but more often th Continue Reading...

Addictions Impact Society Essay

1. What ethical questions are raised for needle and syringe program (NSPs)?Numerous ethical considerations are raised through needle and syringe programs. The most pressing of which is the dilution it the enforcement of current drug laws. Through the Continue Reading...

Chronic Liver Disease With a Number of Essay

Chronic Liver Disease With a number of functions -- including detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of chemicals that are necessary for digestion -- the human liver is vital. It is reddish brown and has four unequal sized lobes; usu Continue Reading...

Art-Therapy-and-Parents Essay

Advocacy Case Study Rachel Faybyshev Professional Issues and Ethics in Counseling Dr. Aaron Lieberman Identify the institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity and success for this client Advocacy is defined as speaking on behalf Continue Reading...

Rosa Lee Of All the Term Paper

Patty's introduction to prostitution certainly reinforces this notion: it became a part of her life as a result of her social situation and a perceived necessity. Still, more fervent moral positions against prostitution, in the Untied States, often Continue Reading...

Treatment Plan Crack Addict Term Paper

Overview of Tanya’s Case Tanya was physically and sexually abused as a child. This caused her to experience depression and anxiety. As a way of coping with her situation and the symptoms she felt, she turned to drugs and alcohol. However, this Continue Reading...

AT RISK Some Adolescents Are Term Paper

Nowadays, adolescent problem behavior is conceptualized as 2 empirically derived syndromes: externalizing problems (including delinquency and aggression) and internalizing problems (including depression, anxiety, and withdrawal) (Achenbach, 1991a, 1 Continue Reading...

Welfare Mental Health Problems and Essay

Consistent with this, other findings propose that women are more likely than men to take part in violence in the home whereas men are more likely than women to take part in violence in public places. Even though there is some evidence that mental i Continue Reading...